Assoc. Prof. Michael Lubwama, PhD
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology, Makerere University

Assoc. Prof. Michael Lubwama, PhD

Associate Professor, Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Makerere University

Research Interests: Bio-composite materials, Composites, biofuels, Fiber-reinforced plastics, bioplastics, Thermo-chemical conversion technologies, Tribology, Thin film technology 


Dr. Michael Lubwama is passionate about valorization of waste materials into novel materials including briquettes, activated carbons, bioplastics, and natural fiber-reinforced plastics. Dr. Lubwama has published extensively in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings in these fields of research. Dr. Lubwama has won numerous awards and research funding to pursue research in these areas. He teaches at both graduate and undergraduate level. He has supervised 5 PhDs and 12 master’s students to completion.


  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering (2013), Dublin City University (DCU), Dublin, Ireland.
  • M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (2010) with a major in Sustainable Energy Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (2007), Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Postdoctoral Training: Any additional training or fellowships completed.

  • VolkswagenStiftung Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship for African Scholars (2019 – 2022)
  • VolkswagenStiftung Junior Postdoctoral Fellowship for African Scholars (2016 – 2018)
  • Water and Society Fellowship, University of Bergen, Norway (2017)
  • UNLEASH Fellow, Denmark (2017)
  • Empowering the Teacher Fellowship, MIT, USA (2014)

Courses Taught

  1. Mechanics of Materials I (MEC1204)
  2. Mechanics of Materials II (MEC2102/AEN2105)
  3. Thermo-chemical Conversion Processes and Application (RET7206)
  4. Biochemical Processes (MEC7212)
  5. Numerical Methods in Engineering (MEC7115/RET7107)
  6. Advanced Engineering Mathematics (EMT7102)

Research Projects

  1. Valorization of tungsten ores into tungsten carbides for sustainable materials development in Uganda (On-going)
  2. Bioplastic development from agricultural residues in Uganda (On-going)
  3. Sustainable energy systems for refugees and host communities in Uganda (On-going)
  4. Participatory design of solutions to address waste management and energy challenges in Uganda (On-going)
  5. Sustainable development of bioplastic packaging from non-edible biomass for mitigation of environmental pollution (On-going)
  6. Development of novel green ceramic floor tiles with rice husks and plastic wastes (On-going)
  7. Upcycling plastic wastes by incorporation of agricultural residues for the development of environmentally friendly products (Completed)
  8. evelopment of groundnut shells and bagasse briquettes as sustainable fuel sources for domestic cooking applications in Uganda (Completed)
  9. Investigating relationships between charcoal/firewood emissions and ongoing changes in climate (Completed)
  10. Africa Center of Excellence in Materials, Product Development and Nano-technology (Completed)
  11. Enhanced flame retardancy of bio-composite plastics developed with rice husks and clay fillers (Complete
  12. Development of rice and coffee husks briquettes as sustainable fuel sources for domestic cooking applications in Uganda (Completed)
  13. Development of bio-composite plastics using rice and coffee husk agricultural wastes as fillers (Completed)


  1. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Minna Hakkarainen. “Combustion, kinetics and thermodynamic characteristics of alkali modified rice husks using thermogravimetric analysis”. 3rd Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference. June 20th -23rd (2023), Balatonfüred, Hungary.
  2. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Sathiyaraj Subramaniyan, Minna Hakkarainen, Michael Lubwama, Karin H Adolfsson. “Synthesis and thermal characteristics of rice husks derived bioplastic films”. Nordic Polymer Days. May 8th-10th (2023), Copenhagen, Denmark.
  3. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. “Application of Response Surface Methodology for optimizing tensile strength of rice husk Fiber reinforced polylactic acid composites”. 2nd International Online Conference on Polymer Science (IOCPS) – Polymers and Nanotechnology for Industry 4.0. November 1st-15th (2021) Online.
  4. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. “Characterization of rice husks as potential reinforcement for polylactic acid composites”. 5th International Conference on natural fibers (ICNF). May 17th-19th (2021).
  5. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Investigation on char residues and mean reactivity of compression molded rice and coffee husks bio-char reinforced polypropylene. 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC) April 5-8, 2020, New Orleans, LA, USA. American Society for Thermal and Fluids Engineering. TFEC-2020-32093
  6. Meron Nabaasa, John Katumba, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama. “Remediation of heavy metal contaminants in wastewater using bio-char based low-cost adsorbents”. 20th Afwa International Congress & Exhibition. February 24th – 27th (2020), Kampala, Uganda.
  7. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama. “Thermogravimetric analysis of agricultural residue carbonized briquettes for domestic and industrial applications”. 10th International Conference of the African Materials Research Society (AMRS2019). December 10th-13th (2019), Arusha, Tanzania.
  8. Vianney Andrew Yiga and Michael Lubwama. Thermal Stability of Compression molded rice and coffee husk fiber reinforced polypropylene composites. Proceeding of 14th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, pp 1461 – 1466. HEFAT 2019, Wicklow, Ireland, 22-24th July 2019.
  9. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Effect of carbonization on the properties of Polypropylene Based Bio-composites. International Conference on Biochemical & Chemical Engineering. November 19th – 20th (2018), Prague, Czech Republic.
  10. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Sinja Pagel, Stefan Epple, Christian Bonten, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Mechanical and thermal properties of Bio-composite polymers reinforced with rice and coffee husks. 8th International Conference and Exhibition on Biopolymers and Bioplastics. October 15th – 16th (2018), Nevada, USA.
  11. Michael Lubwama, Frank Muhairwe, Vianney Andrew Yiga. Development of composite briquettes from Agricultural wastes. WC Climate Change 2018: Impacts & Responses. September 13th-15th (2018), Rome, Italy.
  12. Timothy Louis Musinguzi, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama. Production of biocomposite polymers with rice and coffee husks as reinforcing fillers using a low-cost compression molding machine. The 1st Pan African Society for Agricultural Engineering Conference (PASAE, Nairobi). March 25th – 28th (2018), Nairobi, Kenya.
  13. M. Lubwama, Development of bio-composite polymers using rice and coffee husk agricultural wastes, International Selection Conference within the Africa Initiative of the Volkswagen Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships for African Researcher in the Engineering Sciences, April 26th – 29th, 2015, Nairobi-Kenya.
  14. M. Lubwama, J.B. Kirabira, A. Sebbit, B. Corcoran, K. Sayers, Effects of Si incorporation on XPS, Tauc gap and nano-mechanical properties of hybrid Si-DLC films, Conference proceedings of the 9th Regional Collaboration Conference, July 20th – 23rd, 2014, Entebbe Uganda, pp 301 – 306.
  15. Peter Wiberforce Olupot, Festo Lubwama, Lawrence Sekaluvu, Michael Lubwama, Effects of addition of sawdust and different adhesives on the properties of rice husk particle boards, Proceedings of the 9th Regional Collaboration Conference, July 20th – 23rd, 2014, Entebbe Uganda, pp 292 – 300
  16. M. Lubwama, B. Corcoran, K. Sayers, J.B. Kirabira, A. Sebbit, K.A. McDonnell, D. Dowling, Role of Si-C Interlayer on the Properties of DLC and Si-DLC Films Deposited on Nitrile Rubber, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT), September 23rd – 25th, 2012, Wollongong Australia
  17. M. Lubwama, B. Corcoran, K. Sayers, J.B. Kirabira, A. Sebbit, Closed Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering Ion Plating of DLC and Si-DLC Films onto Nitrile Rubber, Proceedings of the 29th International Manufacturer’s Conference (IMC29), August 29th – 30th, 2012, Belfast, UK
  18. M. Lubwama, K. Sayers, J.B. Kirabira, B. Corcoran, Wear Mechanisms of Piston Seals for reciprocating handpumps for rural water supply, Proceedings of the Second international Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, January 30th -1st February, 2011, Kampala, Uganda

Published Book Chapters

  1. Michael Lubwama, Brian Corcoran and Kimmitt Sayers, Chap. 10: Functional sustainability of hand pumps for rural water supply. In. Water and Development: Good Governance after Neoliberalism; (Eds) Ronaldo Munck, Narathius Asingwire, Honor Fagan and Consolata Kabonesa, Zed Books, London – New York, 2015.
  2. Michael Lubwama, Brian Corcoran, John Baptist Kirabira, Adam Sebbit, Kimmitt Sayers; Chap. 9: Improving reliability and functional sustainability of groundwater handpumps by coating the rubber piston seals with diamond like carbon; In. Water is Life: Progress to secure safe water provision in rural Uganda (Eds) Honar Fagan, Suzanne Linnane, Albert Rugumayo, Consolata Kabonesa, Kevin McGuigan, Practical Action Publishing Ltd, United Kingdom, 2015.


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Journal Publications

  1. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Alkali modification and pyrolysis of rice husks for bioenergy potential: A kinetics Study. Energy Science and Engineering (2025),
  2. Michael Lubwama, Agatha Birungi, Andew Nuwamanya, Vianney Andrew Yiga. Characteristics of rice husk biochar briquettes with municipal solid waste cassava, sweet potato and matooke peelings as binders. Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (2024).
  3. Cynthia Awuor Owino, Michael Lubwama, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Faridah Were, Ocident Bongomin, Jonathan Serugunda. Mechanical and thermal properties of composite carbonized briquettes developed from cassava (Manihot esculenta) rhizomes and groundnut (Arachis hypogea.L) stalks with jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) waste as binder. Discover Allied Science 6 (2024) 428.
  4. Emmanuel Karakwita Nyakoojo, Joel Wakatuntu, Eseru Jasper, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Hillary Kasedde, Michael Lubwama. Characteristics of composite briquettes produced from carbonized banana peels and waste glass. Discover Materials 4 (2024) 29.
  5. Ismail Kimuli, John Baptist Kirabira, Michael Lubwama. Kampala land passengers transportation planning: Examining consumer behavior through a bottom-up lens. Case Studies on Transport Policy (2024) 101264.
  6. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Sathiyaraj Subramaniyan, Naba Kumar Kalita, Michael Lubwama, Minna Hakkarainen. Modified rice husk as component in recyclable and biodegradable epoxy thermosets. Discover Applied Sciences 6 (2024) 175.
  7. Herman Mbabali, Michael Lubwama, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Evans Were, Hillary Kasedde. Development of rice husk and sawdust mycelium-based bio-composites: Optimization of mechanical, physical and thermal properties. Journal of The Institution of Engineering (India): Series D, 105 (1) (2024) 97-117.
  8. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Andrew Nuwamaya, Agatha Birungi, Michael Lubwama, Harriet Nalubega Lubwama. Development of carbonized rice husks briquettes: Synergy between emissions, combustion, kinetics and thermodynamic characteristics. Energy Reports, 9, 2023, 19 – 36,
  9. Kimuli Ismail, Michael Lubwama, John-Baptist Kirabira, Adam Sebbit. Development of a sustainable low-carbon footprint for the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area: The efficacy of a TIMES/CGE hybrid framework. Energy Reports 9, 2023, 19-36.
  10. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Moses Katamba, Michael Lubwama, Karin H. Adolfsson, Minna Hakkarainen, Edwin Kamalha. Combustion, kinetics and thermodynamic characteristics of rice husks and rice husk-biocomposites using thermogravimetric analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 148, 2023, 11435-11454.
  11. Henry Fenekansi Kiwumulo, Haruna Muwonge, Charles Ibingira, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira, Robert Tamale Ssekitoleko. A di-electrophoteric simulation procedure of iron-oxide micro-particle drug attachment system for leukemia treatment using COMSOL software; a potential treatment reference for LMICs. Frontiers in Medical Technology 5, 2023, 1250964.
  12. Victor Alirach, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot, Loyce Kukunda. Development and characterization of bio-sheets from sugarcane bagasse as a potential packaging material. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2023.
  13. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Denis Karemani, Denis Bbosa, Emmanuel B.O. Olotu, Peter Wilberforce Olupot, Faith Natukunda. Prediction of tensile strength of biochar filled polylactic acid composites via box-behnken design. Journal of Engineering Research, 2023, 100142.
  14. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Thermal stability of NaOH modified rice husk fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composites: Effect of rice husks and clay loading. Results in Materials 18, 2023, 100398.
  15. Medard Turyasingura, Joel Wakatuntu, Michael Lubwama, Joseph Jjagwe, Oliver Hensel, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Optimization of eggshell-zeolite composite as a potential surfactant adsorbent for handwashing wastewater. Case studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 7, 2023, 100284.
  16. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Pyrolysis, kinetics and thermodynamic analyses of rice husks/clay fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composites using thermogravimetric analysis. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 148, 2023, 3457-3477.
  17. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, James Opio, Emmanuel Menya, Denis Nono, Harriet Nalubega Lubwama. Production and characterization of paper from banana stem fiber: Optimization using box-behnken design (BBD). Journal of Natural Fibers 20 (1) (2023) 2192019.
  18. Ismail Kimuli, Gary Goldstein, Michael Lubwama, John BaptistKirabira, Adam Sebbit. Energy scenarios for Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area towards a sustainable 2050: A TIMES-VEDA analysis. Smart Energy, 2023, 100099.
  19. Michael Lubwama, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Harreit Nalubega Lubwama, Ivan Ssempijja, Joseph Kihedu. Emissions and emission factors for Dichrostachys cinerea, Morus Lactea, Piliostigma thonningii, Combretum molle, and Albizia grandibracteata firewood species and their charcoals. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2023.
  20. Filda Ayaa, John Baptist Kirabira, Xi Jiang. Potential of invasive shrubs for energy applications in Uganda. Energy, Ecology and Environment 7, 2022, 563-576.
  21. Ismail Kimuli, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira, Adam Sebbit. A sustainable energy portfolio for Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area towards the mid-century. Heliyon 8 (11) 2022, e11452.
  22. Michael Lubwama, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Harriet Nalubega Lubwama. Effects and interactions of the agricultural waste residues and binder type on physical properties and calorific values of carbonized briquettes. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 12(11) (2022) 4979-4999.
  23. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Thermal and alkali modification of kaolin for potential utilization as filler material in fiber-reinforced polylactic acid composites. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 147 (20), 2022, 11077-11091.
  24. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Thermal stability of unmodified and alkali-modified rice husks for flame retardant fiber-reinforced PLA composites. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 147 (20), 2022, 11049-11075.
  25. Ismail Kimuli, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira. Macroeconomic effects of a low carbon electrification of greater Kampala metropolitan area energy policy: A computable general equilibrium analysis. Energy Strategy Reviews 43, 2022, 100909.
  26. Henry Fenekansi Kiwumulo, Haruna Muwonge, Charles Ibingira, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira, Robert Tamale Ssekitoleko. Green synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles using Moringa oleifera: a potential protocol for use in low and middle income countries. BMC Research Notes 15 (2022) 149.
  27. Ronald Kayiwa, Hillary Kasedde, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira, Timothy Kayondo. Occurence and toxicological assessment of selected active pharmaceutical ingredients in effluents of pharmaceutical manufacturing plants and wastewater treatment plants in Kampala, Uganda. Water Practice & Technology, 17 (4) (2022) 852,
  28. Ronald Kayiwa, Hillary Kasedde, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira. Active pharmaceutical ingredients sequestrested from water using novel mesoporous activated carbon optimally prpepared from cassava peels. Water 14 (21), 2022, 3371.
  29. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Characterization of rice husks as potential reinforcement for polymer composites. Materials Circular Economy 3 (2021) 3:16,
  30. Michael Lubwama, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Silagi Wanambwa, Denis Bbosa, Harriet Nalubega Lubwama. Pyrolysis kinetics and combustion characteristics of local firewood species and charcoal produced by slow pyrolysis. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021.
  31. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Sinja Pagel, Peter Wilberforce Olupot, Johannes Benz, Christian Bonten. Optimization of tensile strength of PLA/clay/ rice husk composites using Box-Behnken design. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021,
  32. Ronald Kayiwa, Hillary Kasedde, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira. The potential for commercial scale production and application of activated carbon from cassava peels in Africa: A review. Bioresource Technology Reports 15 (2021) 100772,
  33. Ronald Kayiwa, Hillary Kasedde, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira. Mesoporous activated carbon yielded from pre-leached cassava peels. Bioresources and Bioprocessing (2021) 8:53,
  34. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Peter Wilberforce Olupot. Effect of alkaline surface modification and carbonization on biochemical properties of rice and coffee husks for use in briquettes and fiber-reinforced plastics. Journal of Natural Fibers 18 (2021) 620 – 629,
  35. Michael Lubwama, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Ivan Ssempijja, Harriet Nalubega Lubwama. Thermal and mechanical characteristics of local firewood species and resulting charcoal produced by slow pyrolysis, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021,
  36. Ronald Kayiwa, Hillary Kasedde, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira. Characterization and pre-leaching effect on the peels of predominant cassava varieties in Uganda for production of activated carbon. Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 4 (2021) 100083,
  37. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Michael Lubwama, Sinja Pagel, Johannes Benz, Peter Wilberforce Olupot, Christian Bonten. Flame retardancy and thermal stability of agricultural residue fiber-reinforced polylactic acid: A review. Polymer Composites 42 (1) (2021) 15-44,
  38. Vianney Andrew Yiga, Sinja Pagel, Michael Lubwama, Stefan Epple, Peter Wilberforce Olupot, Christian Bonten. Development of fiber-reinforced polypropylene with NaOHpretreated rice and coffee husks as fillers: Mechanical and thermal properties. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 33(9) (2020) 1269-1291,
  39. Kenneth Ssekatawa, Dennis K. Byaruhanga, Charles D. Kato, Francis Ejobi, Robert Tweyongyere, Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira, Eddie M. Wampande. Nanotechnological solutions for controlling transmission and emergence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria, future prospects, and challenges: a systematic review. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 22, 2020, 117.
  40. Michael Lubwama, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Frank Muhairwe, Joseph Kihedu. Physical and combustion properties of agricultural residue bio-char bio-composite briquettes as sustainable domestic energy sources. Renewable Energy 148 (2020) 1002-1016.
  41. E. Menya, P.W. Olupot, H. Storz, M. Lubwama, Y.Kiros, M.J. John. Optimization of pyrolysis conditions for char production from rice husks and its characterization as a precursor for production of activated carbon. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 10 (1) (2020) 57-72,
  42. E. Menya, P.W. Olupot, H. Storz, M. Lubwama, Y. Kiros, M.J. John. Effect of alkaline pretreatment on the thermal behavior and chemical properties of rice husk varieties in relation to activated carbon production. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 139 (3) (2020) 1681-1691,
  43. E. Menya, P.W. Olupot, H. Storz, M. Lubwama, Y.Kiros. Synthesis and evaluation of activated carbon from rice husks for removal of humic acid from water. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery pp 1-20.
  44. Vianney Andrew Yiga and Michael Lubwama. Thermogravimetric analysis of agricultural residue carbonized briquettes for domestic and industrial applications. MRS Advances 5 (2020) 1039-1048,
  45. Musinguzi T.L., Yiga V.A., Lubwama M. Production of bio-composite polymers with rice and coffee husks as reinforcing fillers using a low cost compression molding machine. Journal of Engineering in Agriculture and the Environment 5 (2019) 61 – 72
  46. R. Kayiwa, P.W. Olupot, M. Lubwama. Production and Potential of Activated Carbon from Cassava Peels for Remediation of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients from Wastewater: A Review. Journal of Materials Science Research and Reviews 4 (4) (2019) 1-24. Article Number: 54428
  47. E. Menya, P.W. Olupot, H. Storz, M. Lubwama, Y. Kiros. Characterization and alkaline pre-treatment of rice husk varieties in Uganda for potential utilization as precursors in the production of activated carbon and other value added products, Waste Management 81 (2018) 104-115.
  48. E. Menya, P.W. Olupot, H. Storz, M. Lubwama, Y. Kiros, Production and performance of activated carbon from rice husks for removal of natural organic matter from water: A review, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 129 (2018) 271-296.
  49. Michael Lubwama, Vianney Andrew Yiga, Characteristics of briquettes developed from rice and coffee husks for domestic cooking applications in Uganda, Renewable Energy, 118 (2018) 43-55.
  50. M. Lubwama and V.A. Yiga, Development of groundnut shells and bagasse briquettes as sustainable fuel sources for domestic cooking applications in Uganda, Renewable Energy 111 (2017) 532-542.
  51. M. Lubwama, B. Corcoran, K. Sayers, (Review or Critical Assessment) DLC films deposited on rubber substrates: A review, Surf. Eng. 31 (2015) 1 – 10.
  52. M. Lubwama, B. Corcoran, J.B. Kirabira, A. Sebbit, K.A. McDonnell, D. Dowling, K. Sayers, Flexibility and frictional characteristics of DLC and Si-DLC films deposited on nitrile rubber, Surf. Coat. Technol. 239 (2014) 84-94.
  53. M. Lubwama, B. Corcoran, K.V. Rajani, C.S. Wong, J.B. Kirabira, A. Sebbit, K.A. McDonnell, D. Dowling, K. Sayers, Raman analysis of DLC and Si-DLC films deposited on nitrile rubber, Surf. Coat. Technol. 232 (2013) 521 – 527.
  54. M. Lubwama, K.A. McDonnell, J.B. Kirabira, A. Sebbit, K. Sayers, D. Dowling, B. Corcoran, Characteristics and Tribological Performance of DLC and Si-DLC Films Deposited on Nitrile Rubber, Surf. Coat. Technol. 206 (2012) 4585-4593.
  55. M. Lubwama, B. Corcoran, K. Sayers, J.B. Kirabira, A. Sebbit, K.A. McDonnell, D. Dowling, Adhesion and Composite Micro-hardness of DLC and Si-DLC films Deposited on Nitrile Rubber, Surf. Coat. Technol. 206 (2012) 4881-4886.