Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Duration: 4 years

The focus of the Mechanical Engineering Education programme at College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) is to:

  1. Provide students with the fundamental technical knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, and engineering design technology in order to recognize, analyze and solve problems for current day problems.
  2. To provide students with the skills required to work effectively as individuals and in teams, as leaders and followers and to make profitable decisions for the organisations and communities that they are or will be a part of.
  3. To provide students with an opportunity and environment necessary to participate in hands-on engineering that leads to an appreciation of the business and entrepreneurial aspects of mechanical engineering.
  4. To prepare graduates for personal and professional success with awareness and commitment to their ethical and social responsibilities, both as individuals and in team environments.
  5. Prepare graduates who are capable of entering and succeeding in an advanced degree program in a field such as engineering, science, or business.

Makerere University regulations pertaining to application, registration, examinations and awards shall apply.

Studies and examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering – B.Sc. (Mech) shall be governed by the general regulations and statutes of Makerere University and in addition by the regulations of the Faculty of Technology:
Admission to First year
Admission into the first year is through any of the three avenues, the Direct Entry scheme, the Mature Age Scheme, the Diploma Holders Scheme.
The Direct Entry Scheme
For Direct entry scheme, an applicant must obtain two advanced level passes, in Mathematics and Physics, at the same sitting of Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or its Equivalent. For Purposes of computing entry points, the advanced level subjects shall carry the following weights:

  • Weight 3 – Physics, Mathematics, as Essential subjects
  • Weight 2– Chemistry, Applied Mathematics or pure Mathematics, Economics, Technical Drawing- as Relevant subjects
  • Weight 1 – General Paper- as Desirable subject
  • Weight 0.5 – Any other subject as Others subjects

Mature Age Entry
Candidates may be admitted under mature age entry scheme after passing two special mature age University Exams in aptitude and specialized knowlege.
Diploma Holders Entry Scheme
Diploma entry scheme is available for holders of Uganda National Examinations board Ordinary Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent. Applicants should have obtained a credit class diploma with at least a Credit pass in Mathematics.

You may download a detailed copy of the course outline below


Curriculum Summary

Year: 1
Semester: 1

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Engineering Mathematics I EMT1101 4
Engineering Drawing MEC1101 4
Engineering Mechanics MEC1102 4
Electrical Engineering for Mechanical Engineers MEC1103 3
Communication Skills for Technology TEC1101 3

Year: 1
Semester: 2

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Engineering Mathematics II EMT1201 4
Information Communication Technology EMT1204 4
Engineering Mechanics II MEC1202 4
Thermodynamics MEC1203 4
Mechanics of Materials MEC1204 4

Year: 1
Semester: Recess

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Workshop Practice TEC1301 2

Year: 2
Semester: 1

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Engineering Mathematics III EMT2101 4
Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineers MEC2101 4
Mechanics of Materials II MEC2102 4
Computer Aided Design for Mechanical Engineers MEC2103 4
Sociology for technologists TEC2101 3

Year: 2
Semester: 2

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Electrical Engineering II MEC2201 4
Theory of Machine Elements MEC2202 4
Computer Programming MEC2203 4
Material Science and Engineering I MEC2204 4
Fluid Mechanics II MEC2205 4

Year: 2
Semester: Recess

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Industrial Training MEC2301 4

Year: 3
Semester: 1

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Material Science and Engineering MEC3101 4
Engineering Management MEC3102 4
Production Engineering I MEC3103 4
Design of Machine Elements MEC3104 4
Dynamic Systems Engineering MEC3105 4

Year: 3
Semester: 2

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Maintenance Engineering MEC3201 4
Production Engineering II MEC3202 4
Product Design and Development MEC3203 4
Heat Transfer MEC3204 4
Control Systems Engineering MEC3205 4

Year: 3
Semester: Recess

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Industrial training MEC3301 4

Year: 4
Semester: 1

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Business Management for Mechanical Engineers MEC4101 4
Applied Thermodynamics MEC4102 4
Production Planning and Control MEC4103 4
Mechanical Engineering Project I MEC4104 3
Renewable Energy Technologies (elective) MEC4105 4
Materials Handling (elective) MEC4106  
Welding Technology (elective) MEC4107  

Year: 4
Semester: 2

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Entrepreneurship for Mechanical Engineers MEC4201 4
Environmental Engineering MEC4202 4
Mechanical Engineering Project II MEC4204 4
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (elective) MEC4205 4
Fluid Power systems (elective) MEC4206 4
Operations research and project management for Mechanical Engineers (elective) MEC4207 4
Computer Aided Engineering for mechanical Engineers MEC4208 4
Automotive Engineering (elective) MEC4209 4
Attachment Name Attachment Type
EMT2201 Engineering Mathematics IV DOC PDF PS

Apply for Admission



Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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Student Resources

The Programme provides students with an opportunity and environment necessary to participate in hands-on engineering that leads to an appreciation of the business and entrepreneurial aspects of mechanical engineering.