Master of Science in Civil Engineering

Master of Science in Civil Engineering

Objectives of the programme

  1. Enable postgraduate students undergo a programme of upgrading and updating their technical knowledge in a specialized field of civil engineering
  2. Introduce the student to applied research relevant to industrial needs of the country
  3. Produce post graduates with a qualification sufficient to meet the needs of staff development of local universities and technical colleges.

Research and Development

To make learning more research and development oriented in the curriculum, it is necessary to deliver every course (depending on course type) both core and elective with either a strong research or development bias. In other words, the mode of delivery of respective courses should emphasize on students spending more time researching (including reporting/presenting their work/results) and development rather than keeping in class. This is to enable students to learn how to conduct research as well as to learn the various research methodologies. In the curriculum, the courses in each of the areas of specialization accommodate the two components i.e. research and development. The courses offered for research development are therefore compulsory (core) courses.

Target group

For the foreseeable future, it is anticipated that MSc CE program will continue to attract students who are holders of BSc. Degree in Civil Engineering of an Upper Second class of Makerere University or its equivalent from a recognized University. Candidates with a lower second class degree may also be considered if they provide sufficient evidence that they have been in full time employment following the discipline of Civil Engineering or its equivalent for at least two years or sufficient evidence that they have experienced academic growth since graduation, as may be determined by the School of Engineering. In traditional graduate programs, it is assumed that entering students have a common background obtained through an undergraduate degree in that field. Specifically, the MSc. CE program is appropriate for:

  • New graduates with degrees in Civil Engineering
  • Experienced Civil Engineering professionals seeking to upgrade skills and to understand management issues
  • Post graduate diploma holders in Civil Engineering who wish to upgrade to Masters level

Admission Requirements

To qualify for admission, a candidate must fulfill the general Makerere University entry requirements for a master’s degree, and in addition a candidate must be a holder of either:

  1. A BSc. Degree in Civil Engineering of at least an Upper second class or its equivalent awarded by Makerere University or any other recognized institution; Or
  2. A BSc. Degree in Civil Engineering of a lower second class degree or its equivalent from a recognized institution with evidence of academic growth and maturity in this field of study as judged by the Board of Graduate Studies and Research; Or
  3. Any other degree with sufficient evidence that they have been in full time employment following the discipline of Civil Engineering or its equivalent for at least two years.

Nature of the Programme

This is a day / evening programme that is completely privately sponsored and its duration is two years.  Students on the Masters of Science in Civil Engineering Degree Program shall follow one of the two study options that is Plan A or Plan B.

Plan A

Students under Plan A are required to take two semesters of course work and two semesters of dissertation. To qualify for plan A, a student shall have completed all their course work and have a research proposal latest by the second week of semester three. A student on this Plan must complete the approved programme of coursework consisting of a minimum of 30 credit units during the year and must submit a Dissertation.

Plan B

Students under Plan B are required to take three semesters of coursework and one semester of a project. To qualify for plan B a student shall have completed all their coursework and also have a research proposal by the second week of the fourth semester.  A student on this Plan must complete the approved programme of coursework that shall constitute 75% of the entire workload for the Degree. A student must submit a Report on a supervised Short Project carried out.


The duration for the MSc. CE degree programme is two (2) academic years comprising 4 semesters.


Detailed Course Content

Semester I Code Course Name

Core Courses(4courses for MEng and 5courses for MSc)



CIV7101 & EMT 7102 Advanced Mathematics (3CU)
EMT7101 & 7103 Computer Application in Engineering (4CU)
CIV7102 Environmental Studies (3CU)
TEC 7101 Principles of Management (3CU)
MEC7101 Maintenance Engineering (3CU)
CIV7107 Advanced Structural Mechanics (3CU)
CIV7108 Advanced Structural Design (4CU)
Semester II
Core course (1 MEng and 1 MSc) TEC7200 Research Methods (3CU)
TEC7201 Business Administration I (3CU)
ElectiveCourses (MEng selects 3 and MSc selects at least 4) CIV7207 Advanced Structural Mechanics (3CU)
CIV7208 Advanced Structural Design (4CU)
CIV7209 & 7231 Numerical Methods of Structural Analysis (3CU)
CIV7232 Structural Dynamics (3CU)
CIV7233 Stability of Structures (3CU)
CIV7234 Plates and Shells (3CU)
CIV7235 Applied Elasticity (3CU)
CIV 7236 Durability and Maintenance of Structures (3CU)
Recess Period
Core Course CIV7301 Business Administration II (3CU)
CIV7302 Research Methods (3CU)
Electives(select 2) CIV 7255 Finite Element Methods (3CU)
CIV 7232 Structural Dynamics (3CU)
CIV 7233 Stability of Structures(3CU)
CIV7320 Plates and Shells(3CU)
CIV7321 Experimental Stress Analysis (2CU)
CIV7322 Applied Elasticity(3CU)
CIV 7236 Durability and Maintenance of Structures(3CU)
Semester III Code Course Name
Core course CIV 8100 Research and Dissertation(MSc-12CU)  MEng (8CU)



Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources

The programme is to produce post graduates with a qualification sufficient to meet the needs of staff development of local universities and technical colleges.