Assoc. Prof. Anthony Gidudu, PhD;
Dean – School of the Built Environment, Office Number: 5015/6

Assoc. Prof. Anthony Gidudu, PhD

Associate Professor

Research Interest: Machine learning, Remote Sensing Applications, Geomatics Education, GIS applications.

Brief Biography

Dr. Anthony Gidudu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geomatics and Land Management and is currently serving as the Dean of the School of the Built Environment at Makerere University. He is also a Registered Surveyor of Uganda.

He holds a PhD in Geomatics from the University of Cape Town in South Africa, an MSc. in Environmental Monitoring from Cranfield University in the United Kingdom and a BSc. in Surveying from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. On completion of his doctoral studies, he did his Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.

He has 29 years of experience in research, teaching and consultancy in various Geomatics fields such as GIS, Remote Sensing, Geodesy etc. He has supervised several students and is widely published in various Geospatial application areas such as Marine Remote Sensing, land use/cover mapping, air pollution monitoring, vulnerability assessments, spatial analysis, modelling GHG emissions, Wildfire modeling etc

He also has organized and coordinated trainings, workshops, conferences and collaborations nationally, regionally and internationally.


  • Postdoctoral Fellowship – University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
  • PhD Geomatics – University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • MSc. Environmental Monitoring – Cranfield University, United Kingdom
  • BSc. Surveying – Makerere University, Uganda

Continuous Professional Development

  • 6th -30th January 2019, University of Bergen, Norway. Fellowship: Water and Society Fellowship
  • 1st – 30th September 2017, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun, India. Fellowship: CV Rahman Senior Fellowship for African Scientists
  • 3rd – 21st December 2012, Plymouth Marine Laboratory. United Kingdom Certificate of Attendance: EAMNET Open Fellowship 2012
  • 12h – 15th April 2010, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, Kampala, Uganda. Certificate of Attendance: World Bank Financial Management and Procurement Course
  • 7th – 8th Sept. 2009, University of Leicester, United Kingdom. Certificate of Attendance: Remote Sensing of Fire for National Greenhouse Gas Accounting
  • 29th June – 4th July 2008 University of Cape Town, South Africa. Certificate: Polarimatric SAR
  • 7th – 25th April 2008, Geoinformation Center – Asian Institute of Technology – Bangkok, Thailand. Certificate: MODIS Data and Potential Applications
  • Sept. to Dec. 2002, Center for Image Analysis – Uppsala University, Sweden.      Certificate: Application Oriented Image Analysis

Research Project History

  • Education Lead – GMES and Africa/RCMRD Consortium.
      • Duration: 2018 to Date.
      • Roles: Coordination of CPD training programs for the RCMRD regional countries stretching from Eastern Africa to Southern Africa


  • PI: The future of data driven agriculture in Uganda: A design-led approach to building climate resilient futures with marginalized smallholder farmers in Bukedea, Uganda
  • Collaborators: Prof. Annmarie Rayan – University
  • of Limerick, Ireland
  • Duration: 2023 – 2024
  • Funders: Irish Aid – Ireland


  • Co-PI: Leveraging AI for near real-time cattle counting and Farming system indexing using UAV Videos and images for estimation of GHG emissions (LAIRG) Project
      • Duration: 2023 – 2024
      • Funders: IDRC-SIDA-RUFORUM/WASCAL/A2063-IRG/2022


  • Co-PI: Machine Learning for Estimating Sources and Sinks: Developing Cloud Computing-Based Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Quantify Livestock and Biomass for Management of GHG Emissions
      • Duration: 2021 – 2022
      • Funders: RUFORUM/ GRA-GRG Project


  • PI: Harnessing Satellite Imagery to Improve the Monitoring of Floating Plastic Litter and Optical Water Quality of Lake Victoria, Uganda
    • Duration: 2020 – 2024
    • Funders: RIF/Government of Uganda


  • Consultant: Developing a customized Geographic Information System (GIS) for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
      • Duration: 2019
      • Client: Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau, Kampala


  • PI: Operational Monitoring of Water Quality Monitoring on Lake Victoria
      • Duration: 2014 – 2015
      • Funders: Servir – Eastern and Southern Africa: Coordinated through the Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD), Nairobi Kenya with funding from USAID/NASA

Conference Proceedings

Maruthi Sridhar BB, Gidudu A. 2019. Assessing the landscape ecological changes of Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria using satellite imagery.  In Proceedings of the AGU 2019 Fall Meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, CA.

Mazimwe A, Hammouda I and Gidudu A. 2019. Ontology Design Patterns for Representing Knowledge in the Disaster Risk Domain. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) doi:10.1109/WETICE.2019.00066

Gidudu A and Owona G., 2016. Assessment of OpenStreetMap – A Case of Kampala. In Proceedings of the GSDI 15th World Conference, 28th November – 2nd December 2016, Taipei – Taiwan, Republic of China).

Ssengendo, R., Sjöberg, L.E., and Gidudu, A. 2015. The Gravimetric Quasigeiod Model over Uganda. In proceedings of FIG Working Week 2015 “From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World” in Sofia, Bulgaria May 17-21, 2015

Gidudu A., and Mpakiraba, Z 2014. Exploring MODIS Imagery in Monitoring Water Quality on Lake Victoria. In proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment, Johannesburg, South Africa 27th – 31st October 2014. Pp 453 – 459

Tumwesige,R., Gidudu, A., Bagampadde, U., and Ryan,C., 2014, “An Investigation of the Relationship between Standard Penetration Test and Shear Wave Velocity for Unsaturated Soils (a case study of the Earthquake Prone Area of the Albertine Graben)”, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), 24-29 August, Istanbul,Turkey         

Banura, C., Gidudu A., Kabiswa, E. 2014. The Use Of MODIS Time Series Data To Map Chl_a and CDOM Variability in Lake

Victoria. In Proceedings of the 2nd AfricaGEO Conference 1st – 3rd July 2014. CONSAS Conference, 2014 ISBN 978-0-620-60666-0

Otukei J.R, Gidudu, A.,and Musinguzi M (eds.) 2013: Advances in Geomatics Research. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research. Kampala/Uganda, (7-8) August, 2013

Gidudu, A., and Banura, C. 2012. Exploring MODIS Time Series Data in Monitoring Chlorophyll-a in Lake Victoira. In proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE). 29th October – 2nd November 2012, Eljadida, Morocco

Gidudu, A., and Namugga, A. 2012. A Time Series Analysis of Lake Victoria Surface Temperature Using MODIS Imagery. In proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE). 29th October – 2nd November 2012, Eljadida, Morocco

Ssengendo, R., Sjöberg, L.E., and Gidudu, A. 2011. Geoid Determination In Uganda: Current Status. In proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology. McMillan Publishers 30th January – 1st February 2011, Entebbe, Uganda

Gidudu, A., Otukei J.R, and Musinguzi M (eds.) 2011: Advances in Geomatics Research. Proceedings of the First Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research. Kampala/Uganda, (3-4) August, 2011

Abe, B., Gidudu, A., and Marwala. T., 2010. Investigating the effects of ensemble classification on remotely sensed data for land cover mapping. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, page 2832-2835 July 25-30, 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Quinn, J. A, Okori,W and Gidudu, A. 2010. Increased-specificity famine prediction using satellite observation data, First Annual Symposium on Computing for Development. London, United Kingdom. 17th – 18th December 2010

Otim, E., T and Gidudu, A., 2009. A Change Vector Analysis Approach to Land Cover Change Detection. In Proceedings of AfricaGIS 2009 Conference, Kampala, Uganda. 26th – 30th October 2009

Gidudu, A., Abe, B., and Marwala. T., 2009. Random Ensemble Feature Selection for Land Cover Mapping. 2009 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium. Cape Town, South Africa.  12th – 19th July 2009

Gidudu, A., Abe, B., and Marwala. T., 2009.Investigating the Effect of Ensemble Size on Classification Accuracy. 2nd International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes (EOGC2009). Chengdu, China 25th – 29th May 2009.  

Gidudu, A., Abe, B., and Marwala. T., 2008.Ensemble Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa27th – 29th November 2008.

Gidudu, A., Hulley, G. and Marwala. T., 2008.An SVM Multi-Classifier Approach to Land Cover Mapping. In Proceedings of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference. Oregon, Portland, USA. 28th April – 2nd May 2008.

Gidudu, A., Hulley, G. and Marwala. T., 2007.Image Classification Using SVMs: One-against-Many Vs One-against-One. In Proceedings of the 28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 12th – 16th November 2007.

Gidudu, A., and Ruther, H., 2007.  Comparison of Feature Selection Techniques for SVM Classification. In 10th Intl. Symposium Physical Measurements and Spectral Signatures in Remote Sensing (eds M.E. Schaepman, S. Liang, N.E. Groot, and M. Kneubühler). In the Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI, Part 7/C50, ISPRS, Davos (CH) ISSN 1682-1777

Oteng, M., and Gidudu, A. 2007. Monitoring Urban Sprawl Using Remote Sensing Technology – The Case of Kampala. In Proceedings of the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy – Institution of Surveyors of Uganda (CASLE/ISU) Conference. Kampala, Uganda. 16th – 17thNovember  2007. 

Mthembu, L., Gidudu, A. and Greene, J., 2006. The evaluation of Centre splitting as a data reduction  technique. In Proceedings the 17th Annual Symposium of Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa. Parys, South Africa. 29th November -1st December 2006.

Gidudu, A., and Ruther, H., 2005. Land Cover Mapping: Optimizing SVM Classification through data reduction. In the Proceedings of The9th International Symposium: Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS05) Beijing, China. 17th – 19th October 2005.

Gidudu, A., and Ruther, H., 2005. Land Cover Mapping: Optimizing SVM Classification through feature selection. In Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing for Earth Observation; Systems, Techniques, and Applications Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 7th – 11th May 2005.

Gidudu, A., and Ruther, H., 2004. Land Cover Mapping: Exploring Support vector Machines. In the Proceedings of The 15th  Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa.   Cape Town, South Africa. Nov. 2004

Published Data

Gidudu, Anthony; Garaba, Shungudzemwoyo Pascal; Letaru, Lydia; Natuwera, Prince; Semyalo, Ronald; Kulabako, Robinah; Amulen, Justine; Okello, William (2022): Hyperspectral above-water radiometric quantities observed during cruise aboard RV IBIS on Lake Victoria, Uganda, from 13 to 15 October 2021. PANGAEA,

Published Journal Articles

  1. Erima G., Egeru, A., Gidudu A., Bamutaze Y., Kabenge I. and Asiimwe R. 2023. Determinants of households’ flood risk coping strategies in a high exposure system of the Manafwa catchment and Lake Kyoga Basin. Water Policy Vol 00 No 0, 1
  2. Wamala F., Gidudu. A., Wanyama J., Nakawuka P., Bwambale E. and Chukalla, A.D. 2023. Assessment of Irrigation Water Distribution Using Remotely Sensed Indicators: A Case Study of Doho Rice Irrigation Scheme, Uganda. Smart Agricultural Technology, Volume 4, 2023, 
  3. Erima, G.; Kabenge, I.; Gidudu, A.; Bamutaze, Y.; Egeru, A. 2022. Differentiated Spatial-Temporal Flood Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in Lowland Plains in Eastern Uganda. Hydrology 9, 201.
  4. Atuhaire, C., Gidudu, A., Bainomugisha, E. and Mazimwe, A. 2022. Determination of Satellite-Derived PM2.5 for Kampala District, Uganda. Geomatics 2, 125–143.
  5. Blanford I. Justine, Bowlick Forrest, Gidudu Anthony, Gould Michael, Griffin  L. Amy, Bandana Kar, Karen Kemp, Mairéad de Róiste, Stefano de Sabbata, Diana Sinton, Josef Strobl, Nicholas Tate, Fred Toppen & David Unwin (2021): Lockdown lessons: an international conversation on resilient GI science teaching, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, DOI: https://10.1080/03098265.2021.1986687
  6. Gidudu A., Letaru L., and Kulabako R. 2021. Empirical Modeling of Chlorophyll a from MODIS Satellite Imagery for
  7. Trophic Status Monitoring of Lake Victoria in East Africa. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 47, 1209–1218.
  8. Mazimwe, A.; Hammouda, I.; Gidudu, A.2021. Implementation of FAIR Principles for Ontologies in the Disaster Domain: A Systematic Literature Review. ISPRS International Journal of Geoinformation, 10, 324. 
  9. Egeru A., Magaya J.P., Kuule D.,  Siya A., Gidudu A.,  Barasa B., and  Namaalwa J., 2020. Savannah Phenological Dynamics Reveal Spatio-Temporal Landscape Heterogeneity in Karamoja Sub-Region, Uganda. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
  10. Mazimwe, A., Hammouda, I., Gidudu, A., Barasa B., 2020. A Pattern Driven Approach to Knowledge Representation in the Disaster Domain. SN Computer Science 1, 353 (2020).
  11. Ssengendo Ronald and Gidudu Anthony, 2020. Towards a New Height Datum. South African Journal of Geomatics, Vol. 9. No. 2;
  12. Balaji Bhaskar Maruthi Sridhar and Anthony Gidudu, 2020. Effect of Landscape Changes on the Water Quality of Murchison Bay. International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 3350-3363 ISSN 2320 – 0243, :
  13. Kintu I.M., Gidudu A., Letaru L. 2019. Assessment of Lake Victoria’s Trophic Status Using Satellite-Derived Secchi Disk Depth. In: Wade S. (eds) Earth Observations and Geospatial Science in Service of Sustainable Development Goals. Southern Space Studies. Springer, Cham
  14. Mazime A., Hammouda I., Gidudu A., 2019. An Empirical Evaluation of Data Interoperability—A Case of the Disaster Management Sector in Uganda. ISPRS International Journal of Geoinformation. 8, 484; http://doi:10.3390/ijgi8110484 
  15. Otukei J.R, Atolere P., Gidudu A. and Martini F. 2019.Ground Deformation Monitoring of the Albertine Graben Using InSAR. South African Journal of Geomatics, Vol. 8. No. 2:
  16. A Gidudu, R Mugo, L Letaru, J Wanjohi, R Nakibule, E Adams, A Flores, B Page & W Okello (2018): Evaluation of satellite retrievals of water quality parameters for Lake Victoria in East Africa, African Journal of Aquatic Science 43(2) 141-151  
  17. Bingi D., Gidudu A., Okello D, Catherine LM., 2018.Spatial Analysis of Cervical Cancer and Correlated Factors. Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS 7: 223. 
  18. Mwima R., Gidudu A. Mazimwe A., Ligmann-Zielinska A., Majalija, S., Khaitsa M., Kabasa, J., D & Bergholz, P., 2016.
  19. Spatially explicit uncertainty modeling of zoonotic pathogen distribution: a case of Listeria monocytogenes in New York State, USA Applied Geomatics 9:27–41. ISSN 1866-9298    
  20. Gidudu A., Banura C. and Namugga A, 2016. Monitoring Water Quality on Lake Victoria Using MODIS Imagery, International Journal of Technoscience and Development, Vol. 3 Issue 1 pp 1 – 10 ISSN 2001-2837
  21. Bwambale, B., Bagampadde, U., Gidudu, A. And Martini, F. 2015. Seismic Hazard Analysis for the Albertine Region, Uganda
  22. – A Probabilistic Approach, South African Journal of Geology, Vol 118.4 pp 411 – 424  
  23. Sjöberg, L.E., Gidudu, A., Ssengendo, R.,  2015. The Uganda Gravimetric Geoid Model 2014 Computed by The KTH Method. Journal of Geodetic Science. Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 35–46 ISSN (Online) 2081-9943,, May 2015
  24. Mazimwe, A., and Gidudu, A., 2015. Towards Interoperability: Has theoretical knowledge of Ontologies and Semantics had any impact on Geospatial Applications in the last two decades of GI Science? International Journal of Technoscience and Development (IJTD) Vol 2, Issue 1, 2015, ISSN 2001-2837 Pp 14 – 27
  25. Markus Möller, Jens Birger, Anthony Gidudu & Cornelia Gläßer (2013) A framework for the geometric accuracy assessment of classified objects, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34:24, 8685-8698,  
  26. Gidudu, A and Musinguzi M. 2013. Reviewing a Geomatics Curriculum: A Makerere University Perspective. Journal of Land Administration in Eastern Africa Vol. 1 Number 1 pp. 32 – 41

Ongoing Graduate Student Supervision

  1. Atuhaire Christine (PhD. Geomatics) Topic: Leveraging Earth Observation for Detection of Plastics in Fresh Water Bodies
  2. Male Emanuel (PhD Geomatics) Topic: Modeling Forest Carbon Sequestration Potential Using GIS/Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques: The case for Uganda’s Forests in Climate Change Control and/or Mitigation
  3. Muheki Oscar (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Assessing the Impacts of Land Use Land Cover Change on the Distribution of Wetland Ecosystem Services of Semagimbi Wetland, Mpigi District
  4. Kalala Olivier Aganze (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Deep Learning-Based Remote Sensing
  5. Techniques for Soil Organic Carbon Modeling. Case of Ngweshe Agroecological Zone
  6. Ayesiga Hebert (MSc. Construction Management) Topic: Production Rate Measurement for Stone Pitched Road Drainage Construction Works in Kampala City
  7. Mukalazi Ronald MSc. (Geoinformation Science and Technology). Topic: Assessing the Spatial Distribution and Traditional Ecological knowledge of Osyris (Sandal wood) in the Karamoja region
  8. Tonny Engwau, MSc. (Geoinformation Science and Technology). Topic: A GIS Based Approach to Mapping and Analysis of Crime Data in Uganda: A Case of Wandegeya, Kampala  

Graduate Students Supervised to Completion (Dissertations and Thesis’)

  1. Erima Godwin, PhD (Geography). Topic: Flood Susceptibility Mapping and Social Vulnerability to Floods in the Kyoga Catchment. A Case Study of Bududa, Manafwa and Butaleja Districts. Graduated 2024
  2. Nyamwiza Hilda (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Estimation of Rice Crop Yield using Remote Sensing Data. Graduated 2024
  3. Kirungi Faith (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Groundwater Potential Mapping Using Geospatial Techniques in Lamwo District, Northern Uganda. Graduated 2024
  4. Anicia Brenda (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Modeling Habitat Suitability of Bee Species Under Changing Climate aand Land Use Cover. Case Study: Nakaseke, Luwero and Kayunga Districts. Graduated 2023
  5. Naturinda Evet (MSc. Construction Management) Topic: Quantification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Livestock Using Remote Sensing and Artificially Intelligent Algorithms. Graduated 2023
  6. Kemigisha Fortunate (MSc. Agricultural Engineering) Topic: Estimating Carbon Stock Using Field Data, Satellite Imagery and Cloud-Based Machine Learning Algorithms: Case of Mubende District. Graduated 2023
  7. Omongin Osele Aloysius (MSc. Construction Management) Topic: Resource Requirement Comparison for Plaster Finish of Masonry Earth Brick Wall and Concrete Block Wall. Graduated 2023
  8. Irumba Derrick (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Susceptibility Modeling of Wildfires in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Graduated 2022
  9. Kalibbala Michael (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Exploring the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Geo-Marketing Segmentation and Retail Site location: A case study of Cement Market in Mukono district-Uganda. Graduated 2022
  10. Musinguzi Gerald Brooks (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Building in-House Capacity for Participatory GIS in Community-Based MRV Systems in Uganda – A Case of Mabira Forest. Graduated 2022
  11. Rubongoya Edward MSc. (Geoinformation Science and Technology). Topic: Spatial-Temporal Analysis Of the Transmission of frican Swine Fever in Uganda. Graduated 2022
  12. Atuhaire Christine (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Determining Satellite Derived PM2.5. Graduated 2022
  13. Mazimwe Allan, PhD (Geoinformaton) Topic: Pattern Driven Data Interoperability in Situation Awareness Systems: A Case of the Disaster Community in Uganda. Graduating 2022
  14. Mosi Kiroge (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Linked Data Integration and Publishing for Disaster Management in Uganda. Graduated 2021
  15. Seguya Fred, MSc. (Geoinformation Science and Technology). Topic: Vulnerability to Impacts of Floods Amongst Heterogeneous Communities in the Nyamwamba Catchment, Western Uganda.  Graduated 2021
  16. Tenywa Emmanuel, MSc. (Geoinformation Science and Technology). Topic: Application of GIS Techniques in Customer
  17. Relationship Management and Marketing: A Case Study for Commercial Banks in Uganda Graduated 2021
  18. Magaya John Paul (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Estimating Savannah Phenological and Growing Season Dynamics in Karamoja Sub-region, Uganda  Graduated 2021
  19. Male Emmanuel (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Estimation and Mapping of Fossil Fuel Carbon Emissions Using Night Time Light and Population Data in Uganda Graduated 2021
  20. Katate Esther, MSc. (Physics). Topic: Exploring the Use of Landsat Imagery in Monitoring Chlorophll_a and Lake Surface Temperature on Lake Victoria. Graduated 2019
  21. Letaru Lydia (MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology) Topic: Improving Satellite Based Monitoring of the Trophic Status of Lake Victoria.  Graduated 2019
  22. Baguma Michael Job, MSc. (Geoinformation Science and Technology). Topic: Using Total Nighttime Light Satellite Imagery as a proxy measure for Economic Activity in Uganda.  Graduated 2019
  23. Bingi Daniel, MSc. (Geoinformation Science and Technology). Topic: Application of GIS to Target Cervical Cancer Screening Areas in Uganda. Graduated 2019
  24. Mutesasira Arthur, MSc. (Geoinformation Science and Technology). Topic: Exploring Participatory GIS as a Community Planning and Service Gap Analysis Tool in Uganda – Maganjo Parish Graduated 2019
  25. Tonny Ocet, MSc. (Civil Engineering). Topic: Improvement of Engineering Properties of Black Cotton Soil for Road
  26. Construction Using PROBASE stabilizer Graduated 2019
  27. Banura Constance, MSc. (Geoinformation Science and Technology). Topic: Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Road Accident Hotspots. Graduated 2019  
  28. Nyamaizi Immaculate, MSc. (Technology Innovation and Industrial Development). Topic: Assessing the State of Urban Air Quality Using Space Based Information. Graduated 2018
  29. Mwima Rita, MSc. International Infectious Disease Management. Topic: Spatially-Explicit Uncertainty Modeling of Zoonotic Pathogen Distribution: A Case of Listeria Monocytogenes in New York State, USA, Makerere University. Graduated 2017
  30. Jemba Nicholas, MSc. Geoinformation Science and Technology. Topic: An Investigation into Adoption of Geographical Information Technologies in the Road Sector of Uganda’s Local Government, Makerere University. Graduated 2017
  31. Owona Gloria, MSc Geoinformation Science and Technology. Topic, Analysis of OPENSTREETMMAP Quality in Kampala, Uganda, Makerere University. Graduated 2017
  32. Ronald Ssengendo, PhD (Geodesy). Topic: Developing a Geoidal model for Uganda, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. Graduated 2016
  33. Atolere Prossy, MSc. Civil Engineering. Topic: Ground Deformation Monitoring of the Albertine Graben Using InSAR – Case Study of Bulisa Discovery Area, Makerere University. Graduated 2014
  34. Bwambale Barnabus, MSc. Civil Engineering. Topic: Seismic Hazard Aalysis for the Albertine Region – A Probabilistic Approach, Makerere University. Graduated 2014
  35. Tumwesige Robert, MSc. Civil Engineering. Topic: An investigation of the relationship between standard penetration test and shear wave velocity for unsaturated soils: A case study of the earthquake prone area of the Albertine Graben, Makerere University. Graduated 2014


Esteem Indicators

  • 2020 James Kweku Eshun Mentoring Award – For offering the highest level of support to YouthMappers chapters, facilitating learning opportunities, and going above and beyond their duty to advise and mentor
  • External Examiner: Department of Geoinformatics and Surveying, University of Zimbabwe – Zimbabwe. 2018 – 2020
  • Mentor: 2018 YouthMappers Research Fellowship
  • PhD/Masters thesis examiner: Various
  • External Examiner: Department of Surveying and Geomatics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Midland State University, Gweru – Zimbabwe. 2017 – 2020
  • External Examiner: Faculty of Engineering, Ndejje University – Uganda
  • Coordinator – Makerere University: European Union Framework Program (FP-7) funded GeonetCast for and by Developing Countries (DevCoCast) project and the Europe-Africa Marine Earth Observation Network (EAMNet) Project
  • External Examiner: School of Geospatial Sciences and Technology, Ardhi University, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 2010 to 2013
  • Chair Local Organising Committee: Advances in Geomatics Research Conference 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021
  • Co-Chair Local Organising Committee: African Association for Remote Sensing of the Environment 2016
  • Coordinator: 2nd EnerGEO Summer School: Unlocking the renewable energy potentials for Africa – Biomass & Solar Energy and the impact on the Environment 4th – 13th March 2013
  • Promoter: Mama Tendo Foundation – an NGO advocating for safe motherhood and effective parenting (2006 – to date)
  • Chairman: Young Marrieds Fellowship, All Saints Cathedral – Nakasero, Kampala (2009/10)
  • Reviewer: African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment 2012, 2014 and 2016
  • Scientific Committee: AfricaGIS International Conference 2009
  • Reviewer: National Research Foundation, Pretoria – South Africa – THRIP and THUTHUKA Research Programs (2007 and 2008 )
  • Reviewer: Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (PRASA) Conferences (2007 – 2008)

Professional Association

  • Fellow – Institute of Surveyors of Uganda (ISU)
  • Registered Surveyor – Surveyors Registration Board
  • Member – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • Member – African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment
  • Member – IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
  • Member – The Oceanography Society
  • Member – International Association for Great Lakes Research
  • Member – International Water Association

Publication Citations