Research Interest: Machine learning, Remote Sensing Applications, Geomatics Education, GIS applications.
Dr. Anthony Gidudu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geomatics and Land Management and is currently serving as the Dean of the School of the Built Environment at Makerere University. He is also a Registered Surveyor of Uganda.
He holds a PhD in Geomatics from the University of Cape Town in South Africa, an MSc. in Environmental Monitoring from Cranfield University in the United Kingdom and a BSc. in Surveying from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. On completion of his doctoral studies, he did his Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa.
He has 29 years of experience in research, teaching and consultancy in various Geomatics fields such as GIS, Remote Sensing, Geodesy etc. He has supervised several students and is widely published in various Geospatial application areas such as Marine Remote Sensing, land use/cover mapping, air pollution monitoring, vulnerability assessments, spatial analysis, modelling GHG emissions, Wildfire modeling etc
He also has organized and coordinated trainings, workshops, conferences and collaborations nationally, regionally and internationally.
Maruthi Sridhar BB, Gidudu A. 2019. Assessing the landscape ecological changes of Murchison Bay, Lake Victoria using satellite imagery. In Proceedings of the AGU 2019 Fall Meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, CA.
Mazimwe A, Hammouda I and Gidudu A. 2019. Ontology Design Patterns for Representing Knowledge in the Disaster Risk Domain. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) doi:10.1109/WETICE.2019.00066
Gidudu A and Owona G., 2016. Assessment of OpenStreetMap – A Case of Kampala. In Proceedings of the GSDI 15th World Conference, 28th November – 2nd December 2016, Taipei – Taiwan, Republic of China).
Ssengendo, R., Sjöberg, L.E., and Gidudu, A. 2015. The Gravimetric Quasigeiod Model over Uganda. In proceedings of FIG Working Week 2015 “From the Wisdom of the Ages to the Challenges of the Modern World” in Sofia, Bulgaria May 17-21, 2015
Gidudu A., and Mpakiraba, Z 2014. Exploring MODIS Imagery in Monitoring Water Quality on Lake Victoria. In proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment, Johannesburg, South Africa 27th – 31st October 2014. Pp 453 – 459
Tumwesige,R., Gidudu, A., Bagampadde, U., and Ryan,C., 2014, “An Investigation of the Relationship between Standard Penetration Test and Shear Wave Velocity for Unsaturated Soils (a case study of the Earthquake Prone Area of the Albertine Graben)”, Proceedings of the Second European Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (2ECEES), 24-29 August, Istanbul,Turkey
Banura, C., Gidudu A., Kabiswa, E. 2014. The Use Of MODIS Time Series Data To Map Chl_a and CDOM Variability in Lake
Victoria. In Proceedings of the 2nd AfricaGEO Conference 1st – 3rd July 2014. CONSAS Conference, 2014 ISBN 978-0-620-60666-0
Otukei J.R, Gidudu, A.,and Musinguzi M (eds.) 2013: Advances in Geomatics Research. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research. Kampala/Uganda, (7-8) August, 2013
Gidudu, A., and Banura, C. 2012. Exploring MODIS Time Series Data in Monitoring Chlorophyll-a in Lake Victoira. In proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE). 29th October – 2nd November 2012, Eljadida, Morocco
Gidudu, A., and Namugga, A. 2012. A Time Series Analysis of Lake Victoria Surface Temperature Using MODIS Imagery. In proceedings of the 9th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE). 29th October – 2nd November 2012, Eljadida, Morocco
Ssengendo, R., Sjöberg, L.E., and Gidudu, A. 2011. Geoid Determination In Uganda: Current Status. In proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology. McMillan Publishers 30th January – 1st February 2011, Entebbe, Uganda
Gidudu, A., Otukei J.R, and Musinguzi M (eds.) 2011: Advances in Geomatics Research. Proceedings of the First Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research. Kampala/Uganda, (3-4) August, 2011
Abe, B., Gidudu, A., and Marwala. T., 2010. Investigating the effects of ensemble classification on remotely sensed data for land cover mapping. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium, page 2832-2835 July 25-30, 2010, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Quinn, J. A, Okori,W and Gidudu, A. 2010. Increased-specificity famine prediction using satellite observation data, First Annual Symposium on Computing for Development. London, United Kingdom. 17th – 18th December 2010
Otim, E., T and Gidudu, A., 2009. A Change Vector Analysis Approach to Land Cover Change Detection. In Proceedings of AfricaGIS 2009 Conference, Kampala, Uganda. 26th – 30th October 2009
Gidudu, A., Abe, B., and Marwala. T., 2009. Random Ensemble Feature Selection for Land Cover Mapping. 2009 IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium. Cape Town, South Africa. 12th – 19th July 2009
Gidudu, A., Abe, B., and Marwala. T., 2009.Investigating the Effect of Ensemble Size on Classification Accuracy. 2nd International Conference on Earth Observation for Global Changes (EOGC2009). Chengdu, China 25th – 29th May 2009.
Gidudu, A., Abe, B., and Marwala. T., 2008.Ensemble Feature Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa27th – 29th November 2008.
Gidudu, A., Hulley, G. and Marwala. T., 2008.An SVM Multi-Classifier Approach to Land Cover Mapping. In Proceedings of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference. Oregon, Portland, USA. 28th April – 2nd May 2008.
Gidudu, A., Hulley, G. and Marwala. T., 2007.Image Classification Using SVMs: One-against-Many Vs One-against-One. In Proceedings of the 28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 12th – 16th November 2007.
Gidudu, A., and Ruther, H., 2007. Comparison of Feature Selection Techniques for SVM Classification. In 10th Intl. Symposium Physical Measurements and Spectral Signatures in Remote Sensing (eds M.E. Schaepman, S. Liang, N.E. Groot, and M. Kneubühler). In the Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. XXXVI, Part 7/C50, ISPRS, Davos (CH) ISSN 1682-1777
Oteng, M., and Gidudu, A. 2007. Monitoring Urban Sprawl Using Remote Sensing Technology – The Case of Kampala. In Proceedings of the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy – Institution of Surveyors of Uganda (CASLE/ISU) Conference. Kampala, Uganda. 16th – 17thNovember 2007.
Mthembu, L., Gidudu, A. and Greene, J., 2006. The evaluation of Centre splitting as a data reduction technique. In Proceedings the 17th Annual Symposium of Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa. Parys, South Africa. 29th November -1st December 2006.
Gidudu, A., and Ruther, H., 2005. Land Cover Mapping: Optimizing SVM Classification through data reduction. In the Proceedings of The9th International Symposium: Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing (ISPMSRS05) Beijing, China. 17th – 19th October 2005.
Gidudu, A., and Ruther, H., 2005. Land Cover Mapping: Optimizing SVM Classification through feature selection. In Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing for Earth Observation; Systems, Techniques, and Applications Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 7th – 11th May 2005.
Gidudu, A., and Ruther, H., 2004. Land Cover Mapping: Exploring Support vector Machines. In the Proceedings of The 15th Annual Symposium of the Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa. Cape Town, South Africa. Nov. 2004
Gidudu, Anthony; Garaba, Shungudzemwoyo Pascal; Letaru, Lydia; Natuwera, Prince; Semyalo, Ronald; Kulabako, Robinah; Amulen, Justine; Okello, William (2022): Hyperspectral above-water radiometric quantities observed during cruise aboard RV IBIS on Lake Victoria, Uganda, from 13 to 15 October 2021. PANGAEA,