Master of Science in Renewable Energy


Short Description This course covers the development of entrepreneurship. It covers characteristics of entrepreneurs, business planning, financial planning and control, controlling operations and resources. It also covers the practical aspects of forming, running and nurturing a business enterprise. objectives The aims of this course are to: Give students an appreciation of the role of entrepreneurship...
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Description This course gives an overview of geothermal, wind, wave and tidal energy. It addresses the potential for these resources towards contributing to energy mix within Uganda and the region. The technologies for tapping the power from the above resources and their respective applications will be clearly demonstrated. objectives To equip students with advanced knowledge...
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Short Description This course presents the fundamentals, concepts and methods used in the analysis of data. It covers definitions, methods of computation of the various measures of data summarization. It also introduces stochastic analysis of events and the test used to assess whether a given set of data fits into some general pattern. The course...
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Short Description This course presents a recap of the principles of both solar photovoltaic and solar thermal technology. It presents the solar resource and basic techniques for harnessing the power of the sun for various applications. Economic analysis of integrated solar systems will be covered. objectives To introduce the students to solar energy resources, characteristics...
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Short Description The course gives an overview of relevant aspects connected to the utilization of biomass and the biomass fractions of waste streams for energy purposes. This includes biomass resources with special focus on developing countries, the conversion process and the economics of these methods. objectives The student will be able to grasp fundamental principles...
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