2014 Research Publication

  1. M. Lubwama, B. Corcoran, K. Sayers, DLC films deposited on rubber substrates: A review, Surface Engineering (2014) doi:10.1179/1743294414Y.0000000379 
  2. M. Lubwama, B. Corcoran, J.B. Kirabira, A. Sebbit, K.A. McDonnell, D. Dowling, K. Sayers, Flexibility and frictional characteristics of DLC and Si-DLC films deposited on nitrile rubber, Surf. Coat. Technol. 239 (2014) 84-94
  3. M. Lubwama, J.B. Kirabira, A. Sebbit, B.Corcoran, K.Sayers, Effects of Si incorporation on XPS, Tauc gap and nano-mechanical properties of hybrid Si-DLC films, Conference proceedings of the 9th Regional Collaboration Conference, July 20th – 23rd, 2014, Entebbe Uganda, pp 301 – 306.
  4. Peter Wiberforce Olupot, Festo Lubwama, Lawrence Sekaluvu, Michael Lubwama, Effects of addition of sawdust and different adhesives on the properties of rice husk particle boards, Conference proceedings of the 9th Regional Collaboration Conference, July 20th – 23rd, 2014, Entebbe Uganda, pp 292 – 300. 
  5. Tove A. Larsen, Heiko Gebauer, Harald Gründl, Rahel Künzle, Christoph Lüthi, Ulrike Messmer, Eberhard Morgenroth, Charles B. Niwagaba and Bernhard Ranner, 2014. Blue Diversion: a new approach to sanitation in informal settlements. In Press, Available online 17 November 2014, doi:10.2166/washdev.2014.115
  6. Kakitahi, J. M,  Alinaitwe, H. M., Landin, A. and Rodrigues, M. J. (2014)   A Comparison of Construction Related Rework in Uganda and Mozambique. Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation Vol. 4 (1): 770-781, ISSN 2223-7852
  7. Ejem, N. O., Lating, P. O. and Alinaitwe, H. M. (2014) An Assessment of the Usage and The Improvement of Interlocking Stabilized Soil Block Technology – A Case of Northern Uganda. International Journal of Technoscience and Development, Vol. 1(1), 11 -20ISSN 2001-2837
  8. Alinaitwe, H.,  Nyamutale, W., and Tindiwensi, D. (2014) Design Phase Constructability Improvement Strategies for Highway Projects in Uganda.Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, Vol. 19(1), 127–140. ISSN 1823-6499
  9. Alinaitwe, H. and Ekolu, S. (2014) Structural Failures in East Africa: a Study of Cases in Uganda. In International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures 24-26 November 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa
  10. Kibwami, N and Tutesigensi, A (2014) Using the literature based discovery research method in a context of built Environment research In: Raiden, A B and Aboagye-Nimo, E (Eds) Procs 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth, UK, 227-236.
  11. Kibwami, N and Tutesigensi, A (2014) Mathematical modelling of embodied carbon emissions of building projects In: Raiden, A B and Aboagye-Nimo, E (Eds) Procs 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1-3 September 2014, Portsmouth, UK, 53-62.
  12. Nnaggenda-Musana A., Ahmed Elwidaa E., Nawangwe B., 2014. “User Participation in the Eyes of an Architect and Gendered Spaces”, in International Journal of Technoscience and Development (IJTD). Vol 1, Issue 1, 30-38, ISSN 2001-2837.
  13. Nnaggenda-Musana A., Ahmed Elwidaa E., 2014. “Women as Retrofits in Modernist Low-Income Housing” in Matt Melia (ed):Architectural Imaginings and Realities, London: ID Press.
  14. S. Nnakimera, R. Okou, A. Rugumayo, AB Sebitosi, Exploring the potential to generate household cooking gas from septic tanks in Uganda; A case study. Domestic use of energy conference, Cape town, south Africa, 31st march to 2 April 2014
  15. R. Okou, W. Kaweesa, S. Ochan, G. Bakkabulindi, M. Edimu, A.B Sebitosi1, Potential Impact of Integrating Solar PV onto Uganda’s Transmission Grid, 9th regional collaboration conference, Entebbe 22nd to 24th June 2014
  16. T. Nalubega, IP Da Silva, R. Okou, MS Abbo, Analysis of induction generator controller techniques for pico hydropower, a case study of a 3kW scheme in Western Uganda, Industrial and commercial use of energy conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 18th to 20th August 2014
  17. Emmanuel Kolyanga, Eleanor Sanyu Kajuba, Richard Okou, Design and implementation of a Low Cost Distribution Transformer Monitoring System for Remote Electric Power Grids, Industrial and commercial use of energy conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 18th to 20th August 2014
  18. Oelof De Meyer, Richard Okou, Adoniya Benaya Sebitosi and Pragasen Pillay, Practical considerations for low pressure solar water heaters in South Africa, Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, Vol 25, No 3, August 2014. 
  19. Peterson Mwesiga, Julius Butime, Richard Okou, Throughput Performance of Interference Mitigation Techniques in Cognitive Femtocell Networks, Africomm Nov 2014
  20. Ruth Mbabazi Mutebi , Julianne Sansa Otim, Richard Okou, Ben Sebitosi, Electricity theft in Kampala and potential ICT solutions, Africomm Nov 2014
  21. Cosmas Mwikirize, Asiimwe JohnPaul R, Kyohairwe Adella, Richard Okou, Ph.D (R.Eng)An automated surveillance system to counter Vandalism of Transmission Line Equipment IARIA • Oct 15, 2014
  22. Nyenje, P.M., Havik, J.C.N., Foppen, J.W., Muwanga, A., Kulabako, R. (2014). “Understanding the fate of sanitation-related nutrients in a shallow sandy aquifer below an urban slum area.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 164, 259-274. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2014.06.011
  23. Bakyayita, G.K., Norrström, A.C., Nalubega, M., Kulabako, R.N. (2014). “Kinetic studies of Cd and Pb ions biosorption from aqueous media using untreated and chemically treated biosorbents.” Journal of Water Science and Technology, 69(11):2230-DOI: 10.2166/wst.2014.147.
  24. Nyenje, P.M., Meijer, L.M.G., Foppen, J.W., Kulabako, R., and S. Uhlenbrook. (2014).“Transport and retention of phosphorus in surface water in an urban slum area.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10(8),10277-10312. 
  25. Okurut, K., Kulabako, N.R., Chenoweth J., Charles K. (2014). “Assessing demand for improved sustainable sanitation in low-income informal settlements of urban areas: A critical review.” International Journal of Environmental Health Research. DOI:10.1080/09603123.2014.89357.
  26. Okurut, K., Kulabako N.R., Adogo, J.M., Chenoweth, J., Pedley, S., Tsanda, A., Charles, K. (2014). “Access to improved sanitation facilities in low-income informal settlements of East African Cities. Accepted for publication in Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.
  27. Okurut, K, Charles, K., Kulabako, R.N.(2014). Learning opportunities for sanitation improvements in informal settlements of East African Cities. In Proceedings of the 37th WEDC International Conference, with the Theme ‘Sustainable water and sanitation services for all in a fast changing world’ held in September in Hanoi, Vietnam.
  28. Kwesiga P., Kayamba W K., (2014) ‘Experiments in Design Process and Product Development in Uganda’s Ceramics’, Net Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 2(4) pp 92-99 – ISSN: 2315-9774
  29. Hillary Kasedde, John Baptist Kirabira, Matthäus U. Bäbler, Anders Tilliander, Stefan Jonsson. (2014). Characterization of brines and evaporites of Lake Katwe, Uganda. Journal of African Earth Science (91) 55-61 www.elsevier.com/locate/jafrearsci  
  30. John Baptist Kirabira, Angella Nalweyiso, Thomas Makumbi (2014). Energy Management Practices In Ugandan SME Foundries. International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research Volume 3, Issue 4, April 2014, ISSN 2277-8616, h p://www.ijstr.org/research‐paper‐publishing.php   
  31. Christopher Senfuka, John B. Kirabira, Joseph.K. Byaruhanga (2014). Effect of TMT Bar Lugging on Steel Reinforcement Failure Mode under Monotonic Loading. 9th regional collaboration conference, Entebbe 22nd to 24th June 2014.
  32. Hillary Kasedde, John Baptist Kirabira, Matthäus U. Bäbler, Anders Tilliander, Stefan Jonsson. (2014) Phase Developments during Natural Evaporation Simulation of Lake Katwe brine based on Pitzer’s Models. 9th regional collaboration conference, Entebbe 22nd to 24th June 2014.
  33. Thomas Makumbi, John Baptist Kirabira, Adam Sebbit, Samer Sawalha, Björn Palm (2014). Investigating the Application of Environmentally Friendly Solutions in Refrigeration Applications of Uganda. 9th regional collaboration conference, Entebbe 22nd to 24th June 2014.
  34. Michael Lubwama, John Baptist Kirabira, Adam Sebbit, Kimmitt Sayers, Brian Corcoran, (2014). Effect of Si Incorporation on XPS, Tauc Gap and Nano-mechanical Properties of Hybrid Si-DLC Films. 9th regional collaboration conference, Entebbe 22nd to 24th June 2014.
  35. Kamoga Omar Lwako M., Kirabira John Baptist and Byaruhanga Joseph K. (2014). Identification of The Appropriate Pulping Techniques and Optimization of the Pulping Conditions for the saccharum officinarum leaves (L.) and Digitaria scalarum stalks (schweinf:)Chiok. 9th regional collaboration conference, Entebbe 22nd to 24th June 2014.
  36. Thomas Makumbi, Samuel Baker Kucel, John Baptist Kirabira and Adam Sebbit. (2014). Design of a Sustainable Energy System for an Eco-Village: A Case Study of Bulindo Village. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports
  37. R. N.  Akol, S. Muhumuza, “Enhancing Performance in Cognitive Radio Networks”,  in proceedings of 6th international Conference on e‐infrastructure and e‐services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM) 2014, Kampala, Uganda, 24th‐25th November 2014.
  38. D. Ozhathil, M.G. Kagarurara, D. Okello, R.N. Akol, “Towards a Practical Cognitive Channel Allocation Scheme ”,  in proceedings of 6th international Conference on e‐infrastructure and eservices for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM) 2014, 24th‐25th November 2014.
  39. P. Bogere, R.N. Akol, J. Butime, N. Ssemujju, “Channel Width Reduction in Uganda’s FM Band‐A Case of Kampala”, in proceeding of 3rd National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2014, 29th – 30th September 2014. 
  40. R.N. Akol, Digital Dividend and Digital Switchover‐ Challenges and opportunities, ”, Invited paper 3rd National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2014, 29th – 30th September 2014. 
  41. S. Nnakimera, R. Okou, A. Rugumayo, AB Sebitosi, Exploring the potential to generate household cooking gas from septic tanks in Uganda; A case study. Domestic use of energy conference, Cape town, south Africa, 31st march to 2 April 2014
  42. R. Okou, W. Kaweesa, S. Ochan, G. Bakkabulindi, M. Edimu, A.B Sebitosi1, Potential Impact of Integrating Solar PV onto Uganda’s Transmission Grid, 9th regional collaboration conference, Entebbe 22nd to 24th June 2014
  43. T. Nalubega, IP Da Silva, R. Okou, MS Abbo, Analysis of induction generator controller techniques for pico hydropower, a case study of a 3kW scheme in Western Uganda, Industrial and commercial use of energy conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 18th to 20th August 2014
  44. Emmanuel Kolyanga, Eleanor Sanyu Kajuba, Richard Okou, Design and implementation of a Low Cost Distribution Transformer Monitoring System for Remote Electric Power Grids, Industrial and commercial use of energy conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 18th to 20th August 2014
  45. Oelof De Meyer, Richard Okou, Adoniya Benaya Sebitosi and Pragasen Pillay, Practical considerations for low pressure solar water heaters in South Africa, Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, Vol 25, No 3, August 2014. 
  46. Peterson Mwesiga, Julius Butime, Richard Okou, Throughput Performance of Interference Mitigation Techniques in Cognitive Femtocell Networks, Africomm Nov 2014
  47. Ruth Mbabazi Mutebi , Julianne Sansa Otim, Richard Okou, Ben Sebitosi, Electricity theft in Kampala and potential ICT solutions, Africomm Nov 2014
  48. JohnPaul Asiimwe, Adella Kyohairwe, Cosmas Mwikirize, Richard Okou, A Surveillance System to Counter Vandalism of Transmission Line Equipment, Nice, France, Pg 89 to 94, October 12, 2014 to October 16, 2014, ISSN: 2308-3492, ISBN: 978-1-61208-369-8
  49. Geoffrey Moses Acut, Richard Okou, Albert Rugumayo And A.B Sebitosi, Analysis of a Hybrid Energy Storage System for a Centralized Solar Photovoltaic Battery Charging Station for Rural Areas in Uganda. IEEE Africon, Ethiopia 2015
  50. D. Oweka, J. Nabukenya, R. Okou, J. C. Akiror, Conceptualization of a Virtual Power Plant for a Campus Network: Case for Makerere University. Submitted to IEEE Power and Energy Magazine
  51. A. Maclaurin, Student Member, R. Okou, P. Barendse, M.A. Khan and P. Pillay, A Load Sharing Control Scheme for Flywheel Energy Storage System for Rural Applications. Submitted to IEEE transactions, JPTE 
  52. Musumba A.L., Sebitosi AB., Okou R, Beneficiation of local materials for use in solar operated adsorption refrigeration in rural areas of South Africa. Submitted to Journal of Applied Energy Elsevier
  53. Lilian Namujju Gonenc  Yucel, Erik Pruyt, Richard Okou, A Simulation-Based Analysis of Electricity Access in Uganda. Submitted to International Journal of System Dynamics Applications
  54. Fuhrimann, S., Winkler, M. S., Schneeberger, P.H.H., Niwagaba, B. C., Buwule, J., Babu, M., Medlicott, K., Utzinger, J., Cissé, G., 2014. Health risk assessment along the wastewater and faecal sludge management and reuse chain of Kampala, Uganda: a visualization. Geospatial Health 9(1), 241‐245.
  55. Kwiringira, J., Atekyereza, P., Niwagaba, C., Günther, I., 2014. Gender variations in access, choice to use and cleaning of shared latrines; Experiences from Kampala slums, Uganda. BMC Public Health 14 (1), 1180.
  56. Tove, A. L., Gebauer, H., Gründl, H., Künzle, R., Lüthi, C., Messmer, U., Morgenroth, E., Niwagaba, B. C., Ranner, B., 2014. Blue Diversion: a new approach to sanitation in informal settlements. Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development, (In Press), doi:10.2166/washdev.2014.115.
  57. Katukiza, A.Y., Ronteltap, M., Niwagaba, B.C., Kansiime, F., Lens, P. N. L. 2014. Grey water treatment in urban slums by a filtration system: Optimisation of the filtration medium. Journal of Environmental Management 146, 131‐141.
  58. Akurut, M., Willems, P., Niwagaba C. B., 2014. Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Precipitation over Lake Victoria, East Africa, in the 21st Century.  Water 6(9), 2634‐2659. 
  59. Niwagaba, B.C., Dinno, P., Wamala, I., Dalahmeh, S.S., Lalander, C., Jönsson, H., 2014. Experiences on the implementation of a pilot grey water treatment and reuse based system at a household in the slum of Kyebando‐Kisalosalo, Kampala. Water Reuse and Desalination, doi:10.2166/wrd.2014.016. 
  60. Kwiringira, J., Atekyereza, P., Niwagaba C., Günther, I., 2014. Descending the sanitation ladder in urban Uganda: evidence from Kampala Slums. BMC Public Health 2014, 14:624 doi:10.1186/1471‐2458‐14‐624, ISSN 1471‐2458.
  61. Diener, S., Semiyaga, S., Niwagaba, B. C., Muspratt M. A., Gning, J. B., Mbéguéré, M., Ennin, J. E., Zurbrugg, C., Strande L., 2014. A value proposition: resource recovery from faecal sludge – can it be the driver for improved sanitation? Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 88, 32‐38.
  62. Katukiza, A.Y., Ronteltap, M., Niwagaba, C. B, Kansiime, F., Lens, P.N.L., 2014. Grey water characterisation and pollution loads in an urban slum. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1007/s13762‐013‐0451‐5; Online ISSN: 1735‐2630.
  63. Katukiza, A.Y., Ronteltap, M., Niwagaba, C.B., Kansiime, F., Lens. P.N.L., 2014. A two‐step crushed lava rock filter unit for grey water treatment at household level in an urban slum. Journal of Environmental Management 133, 258‐267.
  64. Tumwebaze, K. I., Niwagaba B.C., Günther, I., Mosler, H‐J., 2014. Determinants of household’s cleaning intention for shared toilets: Case of 50 slums in Kampala, Uganda. Habitat International 41, 108‐113.
  65. Murray Muspratt, A., Nakato, T., Niwagaba, C., Dione, H., Kang, J., Stupin, L., Regulinski, J., Mbéguéré M., Strande L., 2014. Fuel potential of faecal sludge: Calorific value results from Uganda, Ghana and Senegal. Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development, 4(2), 223‐230.

Book Chapters (2014)

  • Niwagaba, B. C. Mbeguere, M., Strande, L., 2014. Faecal Sludge Quantification, Characterization and Treatment Objectives. Book Chapter 2: In Linda Strande, Mariska Ronteltap and Damir Brdjanovic (Editors) 2014. Faecal Sludge Management, Systems Approach for Implementation and Operation. ISBN: 9781780404721, Pages: 432 Hardback.
  • Gold, M., S Niang, S., Niwagaba, B.C., Eder, G., Muspratt, A.M., Diop, P.S., Strande, L., 2014. Results from FaME (Faecal Management Enterprises)–can dried faecal sludge fuel the sanitation service chain. In Proceedings of the 37th WEDC International Conference, with the Theme‘Sustainable water and sanitation services for all in a fast changing world’ held in Hanoi, Vietnam.
  • Akurut, M., Willems, P., Niwagaba B. C., 2014. Assessing the influence of Lake Victoria flux on the Inner Murchison Bay water quality. WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, 182, 5162. www.witpress.com, ISSN 1743‐3541 (on‐line), doi:10.2495/WP140051, Water Pollution XII 51, 412 Pages; 2014 WIT Press. ISBN: 978‐1‐84564‐776‐6; eISBN: 978‐1‐84564‐777‐3.
  • P. Mwesiga, J. Butime, R. Okou, “Throughput Performance of Interference Mitigation Techniques in Cognitive Femtocell Networks”, in proceedings of 6th international Conference on einfrastructure and e‐services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM) 2014, Kampala, Uganda, 24th‐25th November 2014.
  • D.  Okello, et.al., “Green Communications: Large vs Small Cell Deployment”,  in proceedings of 6th international Conference on e‐infrastructure and e‐services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM)  2014, Kampala, Uganda, 24th‐25th November 2014.
  • D. Okello, G. Budigiri, G. Kibalya, P. Nakisozi, P. Atungire, “The Case for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Femtocell Networks to solve the Hidden Node Problem”, in Proceedings of the 2014 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference: Living in a converged world ‐ impossible without standards?, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 3 ‐ 5 June 2014
  • D. Okello, W. Wasswa, P. Mukasa, “Next‐Generation Wireless Networks for Uganda 2020”, in Proceedings of the 9th Regional Collaboration Conference: Research and Innovations Forum for Sustainable Regional Development: Over a Decade of Swedish Partnership, Entebbe, Uganda, 2023 July 2014
  • D. Okello, M. Niyonshuti, M. N. Lukoye, E. Mugume, “Green Communications: Large vs Small Cell Deployment”, in Proceedings of 6th international Conference on e‐infrastructure and e‐services for Developing Countries (AFRICOMM) 2014, Kampala, Uganda, 24th‐25th November 2014.
  • P.W. Olupot, S. Jonsson and J.K. Byaruhanga, “Development of electrical porcelain insulators from ceramic minerals in Uganda” The 38th International Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Jan 26-31, 2014. Hilton Daytona Beach Resort and Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, Florida, U.S.A.
  • N. W. Nzala, P. W. Olupot and E. Mucunguzi-Rugwebe, “Evaluation of the calorific value and other quality parameters of diesel fuel imports in Uganda”. The 9th Regional Collaboration Conference, 20-23 July 2014. Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda.
  • W. Ochen, P. W. Olupot and E. Mucunguzi-Rugwebe,  “Properties of Ceramic Floor Tiles made from Selected Minerals in Uganda.” The 9th Regional Collaboration Conference, 2023 July 2014. Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda.
  • P. W. Olupot, F. Lubwama, L. Sekaluvu and M. Lubwama “Effects of saw dust and different adhesives on the properties of rice husk particle boards.” The 9th Regional Collaboration Conference, 20-23 July 2014. Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, Entebbe, Uganda.
  • P.W. Olupot, A. Candia, E. Menya and R. Walozi, “Thermo-chemical and Physical Properties of Rice Husks from Selected Rice Varieties in Uganda”. The 2nd Biennial NARO Scientific Conference, 3-7 Nov. 2014. Speke Resort, Munyonyo, KAMPALA, Uganda.
  • Mwesige, G; Haneen, F; Bagampadde, U; Koutsopoulos, H N; (2014) Capacity and Safety of Passing Zones on Two-Lane Rural Highways: A Review of Theory and Practice, Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, Vol. 2, Issue. 2, pp. 156-163.
  • Mwesige, G; Haneen, F; Bagampadde, U; Koutsopoulos, H N; (2014) A Stochastic model for Passing rate at passing zones on two-lane rural highways and Applications, Submitted to American Society for Civil Engineers,USA.
  • Nyenje, P.M., Havik, J.C.N., Foppen, J.W., Muwanga, A., Kulabako, R. (2014). “Understanding the fate of sanitation-related nutrients in a shallow sandy aquifer below an urban slum area.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 164, 259-274. DOI: 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2014.06.011
  • Bakyayita, G.K., Norrström, A.C., Nalubega, M., Kulabako, R.N. (2014). “Kinetic studies of Cd and Pb ions biosorption from aqueous media using untreated and chemically treated biosorbents.” Journal of Water Science and Technology, 69(11):2230-6. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2014.147.
  • Nyenje, P.M., Meijer, L.M.G., Foppen, J.W., Kulabako, R., and S. Uhlenbrook. (2014). “Transport and retention of phosphorus in surface water in an urban slum area.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10(8), 10277-10312.  
  • Okurut, K., Kulabako, N.R., Chenoweth J., Charles K. (2014). “Assessing demand for improved sustainable sanitation in low-income informal settlements of urban areas: A critical review.” International Journal of Environmental Health Research. DOI:10.1080/09603123.2014.89357.
  • Okurut, K., Kulabako N.R., Adogo, J.M., Chenoweth, J., Pedley, S., Tsanda, A., Charles, K. (2014). “Access to improved sanitation facilities in low-income informal settlements of East African Cities. Accepted for publication in Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.
  • Okurut, K, Charles, K., Kulabako, R.N. (2014). Learning opportunities for sanitation improvements in informal settlements of East African Cities. In Proceedings of the 37th WEDC International Conference, with the Theme ‘Sustainable water and sanitation services for all in a fast changing world’ held in September in Hanoi, Vietnam.