McConville, J.R., Kvarnström, E., Nordin, C. A., Jönsson, H., Niwagaba, B. C., 2020. Structured Approach for Comparison of Treatment Options for Nutrientrecovery from Fecal Sludge. Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol. 8., Article 36, Page 1-12; doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.00036
Dalahmeh, S., Björnberg, E., Elenström, A-K., Niwagaba, C. B., Komakech, A. J., 2020. Pharmaceutical pollution of wastewater and water resources in Nakivubo water system in Kampala, Uganda. Science of the Total Environment, 710, 25 March 2020, 136347.
Ouga, D., Alinaitwe, H. M. amd Mwesige, G. (2020) Modelling Block layering productivity on building sites in Kampala. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 25(1),109 – 128.
Nuwagaba, F.; Köberlein, M.; Mass, P.; Semiyaga, S. & Madrid, F. (2020). Sanitation For Millions -WASHaLOT 3.0 – An innovative handwashing technology in Uganda. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Twinomucunguzi, F. R., Nyenje, P. M., Kulabako, R. N., Semiyaga, S., Foppen, J. W., & Kansiime, F. (2020). Reducing Groundwater Contamination from On-Site Sanitation in Peri Urban Sub-Saharan Africa: Reviewing Transition Management Attributes towards Implementation of Water Safety Plans. Sustainability, 12(10), 4210.
Menya E., Olupot P.W., Storz H., Lubwama M., Kiros Y. Synthesis and evaluation of activated carbon from rice husks for removal of humic acid from water. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2020).
Yiga V.A., Lubwama M., Pagel S., Benz J., Olupot P.W., Bonten C. Flame retardancy and thermal stability of agricultural residue fiber reinforced polylactic acid: A review. Polymer Composites (2020). https://doi. org/10.1002/pc.25835
Lubwama M., Yiga V.A., Lubwama H.N. Effects and interactions of the agricultural waste residues and binder type on physical properties and calorific values of carbonized briquettes. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2020).
Yiga V.A., Lubwama M. Thermogravimetric analysis of agricultural residue carbonized briquettes for domestic and industrial applications. MRS Advances 5 (20) (2020) 1039 – 1048
Yiga V.A., Pagel S., Lubwama M., Olupot P.W., Bonten C. Development of fiber reinforced polypropylene with NaOH pretreated rice and coffee husks as fillers: Mechanical and thermal properties. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 33 (9) (2020) 1269-1291 https://doi. org/10.1177%2F0892705718823255
Ssekatawa K., Byarugaba D.K., Kato C.D., Ejobi F., Tweyongyere R., Lubwama M., Kirabira J.B. Wampande E.M. Nanotechnological solutions for controlling transmission and emergence of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, future prospects, and challenges: a systematic review. Journal of Nanoparticle Research 22, Article number 117 (2020)
Yiga V.A. Lubwama M., Olupot P.W. Investigation of char residues and mean reactivity of compression molded rice and coffee husks bio-char reinforced polypropylene. 5th Termal and Flyids Engineering Conference. April 5-8, 2020. American Society for Thermal and Fluid Engineering 2020 pp 49 – 62 http://dx.doi. org/10.1615/TFEC2020.cbf.032093
Menya E., Olupot P.W., Storz H., Lubwama M., Kiros Y., John M.J. Optimization of pyrolysis conditions for char production from rice husks and its charactierization as a precursor for production of activated carbon. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 10 (1) (2020) 57 – 72
Yiga V.A. Lubwama M., Olupot P.W. Investigation of char residues and mean reactivity of compression molded rice and coffee husks bio-char reinforced polypropylene. 5th Termal and Flyids Engineering Conference. April 5-8, 2020. American Socieity for Thermal and Fluid Engineering 2020 pp 49 – 62 http://dx.doi. org/10.1615/TFEC2020.cbf.032093
Menya E., Olupot P.W., Storz H., Lubwama M., Kiros Y., John M.J. Optimization of pyrolysis conditions for char production from rice husks and its charactierization as a precursor for production of activated carbon. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 10 (1) (2020) 57 – 72
Menya E., Olupot P.W., Storz H., Lubwama M., Kiros Y., John M.J. Effect of alkaline pretreatment on the thermal behavior and chemical properties of rice husk varieties in relation to activated carbon production. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Claorimetry 139 (3) (2020) 1681 – 1691
Felix R.B. Twinomucunguzi, Philip M. Nyenje, Robinah N. Kulabako, Swaib Semiyaga, Jan Willem Foppen, Frank Kansiime (2020). Reducing groundwater contamination from on-site sanitation in peri-urban sub-Saharan Africa. Reviewing Transition Management attributes towards implementation of Water Safety Plans. Sustainability 2020, 12,4210;DOI: https://doi:10.3390/su12104210
Jean H Humphrey, Joseph Brown, Oliver Cumming, Barbara Evans, Guy Howard, Robinah N Kulabako, Jonathan Lamontagne, Amy J Pickering, Evelyn N Wang (2020). The potential for atmospheric water harvesting to accelerate household access to safe water. The Lancet, Planetary Health 4 (3), E91-E92. DOI:
J. G. Nayebare, M. M. Owor, R. Kulabako, L. C. Campos, E. Fottrell, R. G. Taylor (2020). WASH conditions in a small town in Uganda: how safe are on-site facilities? Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 10 (1): 96–110; DOI:
Egeru A., Magaya J.P., Kuule D., Siya A., Gidudu A., Barasa B., and Namaalwa J., Savannah phenological dynamics reveal spatio-temporal landscape heterogeneity in Karamoja Sub-region, Uganda. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems https://doi:10.3389/ fsufs.2020.541170
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Balaji Bhaskar Maruthi Sridhar and Anthony Gidudu, 2020. Effect of Landscape Changes on the Water Quality of Murchison Bay. International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 3350-3363 ISSN 2320 – 0243, :
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Tumusiime, E., Kirabira, J.B., Musinguzi, W.B., 2019. Long-life performance of biogas systems for productive applications: The role of R & D and policy. Energy Rep. 5,579– 583.
Book Chapters
McConville, J., Niwagaba, C., Nordin, A.,Ahlström, M., Namboozo, V. and Kiffe, M., 2020. Guide to Sanitation Resource- Recovery Products & Technologies: A supplement to the Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies. 1st Edition. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Uppsala, Sweden. ISBN: 978- 91-576-9801-8.
Alinaitwe H M, 2020. Improving Performance of Uganda’s Construction Industry. In Pantaleo Rwelamira and Rashid Abdul-Aziz. Improving the Performance of Construction Industries for Developing Countries, pp 349 – 371. Routledge, London.
Okwel, M, Alinaitwe, H. M. and Kalumba, D. (2020) Health and Safety Performance in the Ugandan Construction Industry. In Patrick Manu, Fidelis Emuze, Tarcisio Saurin and Bonaventura H. W. Hadikusumo (eds) Construction Health And Safety in Developing Countries, pp 103 – 115. Routledge, London.
Conference Proceedings
Billger, M., Kain J.-H., Niwagaba C.B. & J.R. McConville, 2020. Lessons from co designing a resource-recovery game for collaborative urban sanitation planning. BEYOND 2020 – World Sustainable Built Environment conference. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 588 (2020) 042041, IOP Publishing. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/588/4/042041.
Policy Briefs
Okello-Juma, E., Niwagaba, C., Simiyu, S., Mberu, B., 2020. Fecal Waste Management (FWM) in Mbarara Municipality, Uganda. Policy Brief.