The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the School of Engineering, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) is hosting a two- day Higher Education Partnership for Sub-Saharan Africa (HEPSSA) program review workshop, Thursday 25th – Friday 26th July 2024.
The initiative that is supported by the Royal Academy of Sciences is holding deliberations focused on the University Industry Partnerships on Enhancing Power Skilling in East Africa. Participating HEPSSA member universities include Strathmore University and Technical University of Kenya, University of Dar- es-Salaam, Busitema University and the host Makerere University.
The industry is represented by agencies including the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Ltd, Umeme Ltd, the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA), and Uganda Electricity Generation Company (UEGCL).
The Head of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at CEDAT Dr. AbubakerWaswaMatovu while welcoming the participants said the deliberations would focus on skilling in the power sector given the evolving technology such as the smart systems which requires skilled staff to push it forward. An innovation challenge was opened up to students and it is during this interaction that the best amongst the competing students from the participating universities will be announced.