Makerere University in collaboration with UNESCO hosted a two-day Campus Africa workshop focused on addressing key challenges in youth education, skills development, and entrepreneurship across Africa. It brought together representatives from six different universities which included Makerere University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Busitema University, Kisii University, University of Toliana, and University of Dar...Read More
Participants at the dissemination meeting held in the college Boardroom The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the College of Engineering, Design, Art, and Technology (CEDAT) conducted a study on the Integration of On-Grid and Off-Grid Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems in Uganda. A dissemination seminar was convened at the college on Friday 15th November 2024,...Read More
Today, Dr. Marios Valavanidis, Professor of Hydraulics and Flow in Porous Media from the University of West Attica, Greece, has given a comprehensive guest lecture on advanced fluid mechanics at small scales, with a focus on saturated flow in porous media as part of the guest lecture series titled “Fluid Mechanics at Small Scales: Dynamic...Read More
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