Africa Center of Excellence in Materials Product Development and Nanotechnology (MAPRONANO ACE)

Brief Description

The Center was developed out of the need to strengthen research and training in the thematic areas of materials science and engineering, nanotechnology and nanomedicine in order to develop human resource capacity in applied science engineering disciplines for the development of the great lakes region. MAPRONANO ACE offers highly specialized short courses in welding technology, health safety engineering, Oil & gas, Monoclonal and Nanobodies generation, Bioinformatics & Next Generation sequencing techniques. MAPRONANO ACE aimed at developing human resource capacity in materials science, nanotechnology and nanomedicine. The center was supported through the Government of Uganda under the World Bank to a tune of USD$ 6 million. For the past 5 years the center has achieved/registered the following milestones. However, the center has had a no cost extension of 2 years.

Key Objectives

  1. To increase capacity of research and training materials engineering and product development
  2. To enhance teaching and training in Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine
  3. To promote linkage among academics, industry practitioners and policy makers
  4. To promote research spins offs for industrial development


  1. State of the art research Laboratory for Materials, Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region.
  2. Graduate professional scientists who can contribute to regional development through research and development.
  3. Accredited Master’s Programs (curricula) in Materials and Product Development and Nanotechnology
  4. Well-trained technicians and engineers in Materials Science, Product design and Nano-enabled technologies
  5. Strengthen research and publication 
  6. Strengthen teaching quality through Pedagogical training.

Publications & Projects


Local Partners

  • Kevoton Motions Engineering Ltd, 
  • CODEK Engineering Ltd, 
  • Luwero Industries Ltd, (NEC)

International Partners

  • University of Illinois at Chicago, USA, 
  • University of Kwazul Natal (UKZN), South Africa, 
  • Vaal University, 
  • University of Nairobi, 
  • University of Rwanda, 
  • University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM)

Major Accomplishments

  • Supported over 189 Masters students of which 68 are female students in STEM subjects 
  • Supported over 32 PhD students of which 11 are female students (34.4%) this includes Makerere University staff and regional students
  • Supported more than 444 students and professionals in highly specialized short courses in bioinformatics & genomics (MakCHS), Welding technology, Plastic dye casting among others at CEDAT
  • Over 15 PhD students have graduated out of 32 enrolled representing (40.62%). Further, 136 MSc students have graduated out of 189 representing 71.95% 
  • The center has attracted a number of partnerships nationally, regionally and internationally including partnerships with private and industries. This has spearheaded crafting and signing of over 20 MoUs.
  • Supported accreditation of more than 6 programs nationally including the programs at CEDAT namely; MSc Mechanical Engineering, MSc TIID, MSc Renewable Energy and MSc/PhD program in Bioinformatics at MaKCHS. The center has also supported 1 international accreditation of MSc programs in bioinformatics in partnership with University of Georgia and MaKCHS
  • The center has supported more than 86 staff/student exchanges of which 17 were females and these have supported mobility of staff and students with partner institutions and this has fostered joint collaborative research, sharing of Equipment resources, student examination, joint curriculum activities among others.
  • Over 40 high schools participated in gender awareness and career guidance and over 2,000 students participated in awareness and career guidance. This was intended to interest the girl child into science subjects and promote gender equity.
  • Industry outreach: 40 industries have participated in MAPRONANO ACE industry engagement to promote University –Industry linkage in R&D and student placement training of which 100 were industry practitioners, 65 internship placements for students were secured, 4 MOUs have been generated with the industry.
  • In the 5 years of the project implementation, the center has attracted more than $USD 2 million of externally generated funds as additional funding to the World Bank funding. This has sparked off research in innovations geared towards response to developmental challenges such as development of nano-enabled delivery carrier system for Covid-19 sub unit vaccine, Rapid test kits for Covid-19. 
  • The center has published more than 202 peer reviewed journal papers and this has contributed to the University visibility.
  • In the 5-year period of implementation the project has also sparked off a number of innovations namely; The first of its kind diesel engine in Africa developed from locally available materials, bioactive nanocoated masks, synthesis of graphene from agro waste for use in batteries, diagnostics, vaccine adjuvants/delivery systems, development of medical plastics (on-going).
  • Boosted state-of-the art Laboratories in Materials Science, Nanotechnology & Nanomedicine. This includes acquisition of the first of its kind state of the art Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (VP Sigma), acquisition of the Zetasizer, ICP -OES, FDM 3D printing Equipment and a wide range of analytical Equipment (MakCOVAB).


Prof. John Baptist KirabiraPrincipal Investigator (PI) & Center Leader
Eng. Dr. Michael LubwamaCo-PI & Deputy Center Leader
Brian MujuniProject Coordinator
Godwin Sabiiti ByamugishaCenter Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
Bosco KarubangaAssistant Accountant