Undergraduate Program

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering


Duration: 4 years

The primary focus of this programme is to produce entrepreneurship-oriented graduates who are capable of propping up new companies, out of the prototypes that they will have developed at the
undergraduate level. This demands that the final year projects should benchmark world class standards, capable of leading to Electrical Engineering incubations.

Educational Objectives
The educational objectives of this programme are to:

  1. Produce graduates who are able to practice electrical engineering to serve Uganda and the regional industries, government agencies, or national and international industries.
  2. Produce graduates with the necessary background and technical skills to work professionally in one or more of the following areas: Power systems generation, transmission and distribution, industrial electronics, renewable energy solutions, system integration, electronic design automation.
  3. Prepare graduates for personal and professional success with awareness and commitment to their ethical and social responsibilities, both as individuals and in team environments.
  4. Prepare graduates who are capable of entering and succeeding in an advanced degree program in a field such as engineering, science, or business.

Makerere University regulations pertaining to application, registration, examinations and awards shall apply.


Admission to First Year
Admission into the first year is through any of the three avenues, the Direct Entry Scheme, the Mature Age Scheme and the Diploma Holders Scheme.

The Direct Entry Scheme
An applicant must have obtained two advanced level passes, one in Mathematics and one in  physics, at the same sitting of the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or its equivalent. For purposes of computing entry points, the advanced level subjects shall carry the following weights:

  • Weight 3 – Mathematics, Physics – as Essential subjects
  • Weight 2 – Chemistry, Economics, Technical Drawing, Applied Mathematics or Pure
  • Mathematics- as Relevant subjects
  • Weight 1 – General Paper – as Desirable subject
  • Weight 0.5 – Any other subject.- as Other subjects

The Mature Age Entry Scheme
Admission may also be via the Mature Age Entry Scheme, after the passing of two special mature age University Examinations, one in aptitude and the other in specialised knowledge.

Diploma Holders Entry Scheme
Holders of the Uganda National Examinations Board Ordinary Technical Diploma or its  equivalent can be admitted to the programme. Applicants should have obtained a Credit Class diploma and passed building construction and drawing with at least a Credit Pass in Mathematics.

You may download a detailed copy of the course outline below


Curriculum Summary

Year: 1
Semester: 1

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Information & Communication Technology CMP1103 4
Business Communications Skills COE1103 3
Circuit Theory ELE1101 4
Physical Electronics ELE1102 4
Introduction To Electrical Engineering ELE1112 2
Engineering Mathematics I EMT1101 4

Year: 1
Semester: 2

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Computer Programming Fundamentals CMP1201 4
Introduction to Digital Electronics ELE1201 4
Electrical Materials ELE1202 4
Statics & Dynamics ELE1204 2
Engineering Mathematics II EMT1201 4
Introduction To Sociology TEC1202 3

Year: 1
Semester: Recess

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Vocation Workshop Practice ELE1301 3
Elec. Eng. Drawing & Installation Practice ELE1302 4

Year: 2
Semester: 1

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Object Oriented Programming CMP2103 4
Electronic Circuits ELE2102 4
Electromagnetics ELE2103 4
Network Theory ELE2111 4
Engineering Mathematics III EMT2101 4

Year: 2
Semester: 2

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Electromagnetic Fields ELE2211 4
Electrical Energy Systems ELE2212 3
Instrumentation ELE2213 4
Engineering Mathematics IV EMT2201 4
Technology, Ethics & Human Rights TEC2202 4

Year: 2
Semester: Recess

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Industrial Training ELE2301 3

Year: 3
Semester: 2

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Fundamental Accounts Principles (elective) COE1102 4
Control Engineering ELE3202 4
Electrical Machines & Drives II ELE3205 4
Industrial Electronics ELE3211 4
Power Systems Engineering ELE3215 4
Energy Conversion And Generation ELE3216 4
Digital Communications (elective) TEL3212 4
Mobile Communications Systems (elective) TEL3213 4
Computer Communication Networks (elective) TEL3214 4
Systems Engineering (elective) TEL3217 4

Year: 3
Semester: 1

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Entrepreneurship (elective) COE2105 2
Applied Analogue ELE3102 4
Applied Digital Electronics ELE3113 4
Electrical Machines & Drives ELE3114 4
Law Of Contracts (elective) LAW1104 2
Communication Theory (elective) TEL3111 4
Radio Wave Propagation & Antennas (elective) TEL3112 4

Year: 3
Semester: Recess

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Industrial Training ELE3301 3

Year: 4
Semester: 2

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Business Management (elective) COE1104 4
Electrical Engineering Project ELE4200 3
High Voltage Engineering ELE4209 4
Vlsic Design & Fabrication ELE4211 4
Power Economics And Management ELE4214 4
Advanced Topics In Electronic Engineering (elective) ELE4216 4
Advanced Topics In Power Engineering (elective) ELE4217 3
Satellite Communications (elective) TEL4212 4
Radio Frequency & Microwave Engineering TEL4213 4
Broadband and Advanced Communications (elective) TEL4215 3

Year: 4
Semester: 1

Course Name Course Code Credit Units
Electrical Engineering Project ELE4100 4
Microprocessor Based Systems ELE4112 4
Power System Protection & Coordination ELE4115 4
Electrical Installation Design ELE4116 4
Engineering Project Management (elective) ELE4117 4
Digital Signal Processing TEL4111 4
Optical Communications (elective) TEL4113 4
Television and Video Engineering (elective) TEL4114 4
Attachment Name Attachment Type
EMT2201 Engineering Mathematics IV      

Apply for Admission

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Makerere University, College of Enginering, Design, Art & Technology,
The Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Art (MTSIFA).


Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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Produce graduates with the necessary background and technical skills to work professionally in one or more of the following areas: Power systems generation, transmission and distribution, industrial electronics, renewable energy solutions, system integration, electronic design automation.