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On Tuesday, 21st January 2025, leading stakeholders from the School of Engineering, Makerere University College of Computing & Information Science (MaKCoCIS), Uganda Technology And Management University (UTAMU), Lwera Electronics and Semiconductors, and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation came together to discuss a transformative approach to innovation and entrepreneurship in Uganda.The PESIC initiative seeks...

Call for Applications: Graduate Fellow (Stained Glass and Mosaic Art)

Department-of-Fine-Art-Graduate-FellowDownload Department-of-Fine-Art-Graduate-FellowDownload


Have you ever wondered how much energy your appliances consume, what components make up a solar PV system, the cost of electricity and the efficiency and safety of your electrical appliances? These were some of the questions at the heart of a two-day community training held on Saturday, 30th November 2024, and Sunday, 1st December 2024, at...

Skilling Youth emphasized  at the Campus Africa Kampala Workshop, 11-12 November 2024

Makerere University in collaboration with UNESCO hosted a two-day Campus Africa workshop focused on addressing key challenges in youth education, skills development, and entrepreneurship across Africa. It brought together representatives from six different universities which included Makerere University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Busitema University, Kisii University, University of Toliana, and University of Dar...

The study on Integration of On-Grid and Off-Grid Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems in Uganda; Dissemination of Research Findings

Participants at the dissemination meeting held in the college Boardroom The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the College of Engineering, Design, Art, and Technology (CEDAT) conducted a study on the Integration of On-Grid and Off-Grid Decentralized Renewable Energy Systems in Uganda. A dissemination seminar was convened at the college on Friday 15th November 2024,...
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