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Department-of-Fine-Art-Graduate-FellowDownload Department of Fine Art Graduate FellowDownload
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DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL ART AND APPLIED DESIGNCOLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, DESIGN ART AND TECHNOLOGY (CEDAT)MAKERERE UNIVERSITYInterested in growing your fashion knowledge beyond the known? Eager to join a team of research experts, and together drive fashion innovation to greater heights? The Department of Industrial Art and Applied Design is searching for a Graduate Fellow in Fashion Design studies to join its teaching and research team, and contribute towards advancements within the...
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Have you ever wondered how much energy your appliances consume, what components make up a solar PV system, the cost of electricity and the efficiency and safety of your electrical appliances? These were some of the questions at the heart of a two-day community training held on Saturday, 30th November 2024, and Sunday, 1st December 2024, at the Kyampisi Living Labs in Luweero District. The sessions were facilitated by Dr....
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Makerere University in collaboration with UNESCO hosted a two-day Campus Africa workshop focused on addressing key challenges in youth education, skills development, and entrepreneurship across Africa. It brought together representatives from six different universities which included Makerere University, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Busitema University, Kisii University, University of Toliana, and University of Dar es Salaam. The event aimed to craft innovative solutions and pilot programs to equip young...
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Mr. Christopher Kanyesigye successfully defended his PhD at a Public defense event held at the Conference Hall on Monday 25th November 2024. The Title of his Thesis was “Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Water Supply Safety Plan Implementation in Small Towns in Uganda.” The panel’s decision was passed on by Prof. Umar Bagampadde who presided over the public defense event on behalf of the Dean of the School of Engineering,...
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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec sed odio dui. Etiam porta sem malesuada.

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Call for Applications: Graduate Fellow (Stained Glass and Mosaic Art).
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Call for applications: Graduate Fellow (Fashion Design)
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