Centre for Research in Transportation Technologies (CRTT)

Centre Objectives

To conduct research and innovations aimed at the development of cost effective and environmentally friendly transportation technologies for Africa and the world at large.

Scope of Research Activity

The centre scope of research focuses on; e-mobility, applicability of un manned aerial technologies for agricultural and urban air quality, and energy storage technologies for e-mobility transportation.

Ongoing Research

Project: Acceleration of e-mobility transition through a transdisciplinary approach.

The project seeks to accelerate the transition to electric mobility by retrofitting petrol powered motorcycles (boda bodas) to electric. It seeks to offer a direct, transformational solution to cleaning up air pollution in Uganda’s cities, reducing health risks, greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions withe the potential to create thousands of  green jobs in the long-run. 

Major Research Completed and Outputs

  1. Development and demonstration of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle technologies for the agricultural sector in Uganda
  • Sub Project one: Design of the flight control system of the unmanned aerial vehicle for agricultural applications in Uganda
  • Sub Project two: Design and optimization of a UAV for agricultural applications in Uganda (crop monitoring). This project  focused on the mechanical design of an unmanned aerial vehicle with emphasis on the power unit and the aerodynamics (geometry) of the system with high interest in the leafy infections. 
  • Sub Project three: Design and implementation of a ground control station of an unmanned aerial vehicle for agricultural applications. The project focused mainly on the design of the UAV interface. The other deliverables included a vehicle companion with camera, an onboard server and database. 
  1. Development and demonstration of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle technologies for urban air quality monitoring.

Project focused on the mechanical design that had a Nova Particulate Matter (PM) sensor for PM2.5 and PM10 attached to it as well as maintain stability while at a given height. This Unmanned Aerial Vehicle was run on a rechargeable battery that enabled it to fly up to a height of about 40m with a cruising and hovering capability. The UAV was constructed from very light material such that its total weight ranges between 1-2 kg.

  1. Green Synthesis of Graphene from Agro-wastes for Automobile Battery Applications


Local Partners

  • Redvers e-mobility limited (Uganda)

International Partners

  • University of Bristol (UB, United Kindgom) 
  • Mureza auto company (South Africa) 
  • Technical University of Munich (TUM, Germany) 
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, Germany)


Dr. Hillary Kasedde
Thomas MakumbiDeputy Director
Babu TalikResearcher