Centre for Technology Design and Development (CTDD)

Scope of Research Activity

Technology transfer is the process of transferring scientific findings from one organization to another for the purpose of further development and commercialization.  Technology Transfer plays a crucial role in this mission by protecting and promoting CTDD research discoveries and intellectual property, working with and guiding industry partners, and promoting the acceleration of start-ups. The centre for technology design and development is doing this through promotion of innovations from the students and staff of the college of engineering.

The CTDD Process 

  1. Identifying new technologies from the University and the community at large
  2. Protecting technologies through patents and copyrights, at the University Patent Office
  3. Developing commercialization strategies such as marketing and licensing to existing private sector companies or creating new start-ups based on the technology
  4. The ultimate benefits of technology transfer are mainly the public benefits derived from the products that reach the market and the jobs that result from the development and sale of products.

Ongoing Research

  1. Appropriate technologies for agro and farm processing and post-harvest losses mitigation
  2. Solar technologies application in agro-processing
  3. ICT based innovations and Technologies
  4. Engineering Materials Research (both mechanical and civil based materials)

Major Accomplishments

  1. From 2017/2018, CTDD provided funding to over 100 students at CEDAT to undertake their final year projects.
  2. CTDD registered a number of innovations and prototypes developed, that were identified for commercialization.


  1. Government of Uganda through the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic development
  2. Vision Group
  3. Senyi Landing Site and Fish Processors
  4. Farmer communities in Central Uganda


Dr. Eng. Michael LubwamaDirector
Dr. Vianney Andrew YigaProject Staff
Mr. Andrew AyorProject Staff