Completed Projects

NoProject TitleProject PIFunderDurationAmount of funding
1Biomarker discovery for staging sleeping sickness

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Team Leader Uganda: Professor John C.K. Enyaru
Co-Investigator Uganda: Dr. Enock Matovu
Foundation for Innovative new Diagnostics (FIND) Geneva, Switzerland2 years (January 2009-December 2010)US$ 129,440.00
2Development and application of diagnostic tests for trypanosomes in tsetse flies
Project detailed information
Professor John C.K. EnyaruBill & Melinda Gates Foundation5 years (November  2008-December 2013)US $ 8,691,707.00
3Transcriptomics and proteomics in human sleeping sickness pathogenesis and diagnosis ( DFG)
Project detailed information
Professor Christine E. ClyatonGermany African3 years (April 2010-December 2013)Euro 257,000.00