Development and application of diagnostic tests for trypanosomes in tsetse flies

Funder: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Amount of funding: US $ 8,691,707.00 Duration:  5 years (November  2008-December 2013)

Team composition Principal InvestigatorProfessor John C.K. Enyaru

Co-Investigator, Uganda: Dr. Enock Matovu

Co-Investigator, Kenya: Drs. Johnson Ouma of KARI-TRC and Dan Masiga of ICIPE

Co-Investigator, Tanzania: Dr. Inma Malele of TTRI

Co-Investigator, Malawi: Professor John Chisi,of University of Malawi.

Co-Investigator, Sudan: Professor Intisar Elrayah of TMRI

Co-Investigator, DRCongo: Dr. Philemon Mansinsa

Co-Investigator, Republic of Congo, Brazzaville: Dr. Nicolas Mbongo

Co-Investigator, Uganda: Dr. Enock Matovu

Collaboration: Makerere University ,Uganda, and International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology(ICIPE), Kenya Agricultural Research Organization(KARI)-Trypanosomiasis Research Institute (TRC)Kenya; Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Research Institute (TTRI), Tanzania; Tropical Medicine Research Institute (TMRI),Sudan; University of Malawi, Malawi; The National Program of Control of Human African Trypanosomiasis (NPHAT), Congo Kinshasa ; Laboratoire national de sante’ Publique (LNSP), Congo Brazzaville and Astel Diagnostics, a  Private partner, Uganda.

Objectives Evaluate existing technologies for the detection of trypanosomes in tsetse flies Develop and evaluate new tests for detection and xenomonitoring of trypanosomes in tsetse flies Evaluate surveillance/monitoring tools under field conditions  

Contribution to Makerere University Equipment: 2Computers, 2Refrigerators, 2 Deep freezers of -200C, 1 deep freezer of -800C,1 PCR machine, Hood, Liquid nitrogen storage tanks and two WD double cabin pickups. Molecular reagents Technology transfer (Molecular biology techniques) to Makerere from collaborating partners  Methods for detecting trypanosomes in tsetse flies evaluated in the field. Skills of technicians and field staff strengthened through short courses. Pan Tryp-LAMP and lateral flow tests developed and evaluated.


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


US $ 8,691,707.00
