Master of Science in Renewable Energy

Programme Profile

Renewable energy specialists have a wide market in Uganda and beyond. The Government’s Renewable Energy Technology policy calls for the increase of the contribution of Renewable Energy in the national energy mix. It also proposes to appoint energy officers in the districts. Graduate from the programme will be the ideal candidates.

It is envisaged that at the end of the training programme, graduates will work in the following areas of renewable energy.

  • Bio-Energy,
  • Hydropower,
  • Solar Energy,
  • Wind Energy, and
  • Energy Efficiency in Buildings


The Master of Science in Renewable Energy degree programme with specialization in bio-energy has been designed in such a way that graduates will be provided with integrated technology and management skills required to compete internationally. The programme is designed to qualify students for occupations and careers in area of bio-energy production, fuels process equipment designs, pollution associated risk assessors as well as energy efficiency.


The Master of Science in Renewable Energy degree programme with specialization in hydropower has been designed in such a way that graduates will be provided with integrated technology and management skills in the area of hydropower development. The programme is multidisciplinary in nature and is designed to qualify students for occupations and careers in areas of integrated water management, land survey, dams and canals construction, hydroelectric power house design and construction, water turbines and control systems designs and installation, hydroelectric generators design and installation as well as electricity distribution networks design and monitoring.

Solar and Wind Energy

The Master of Science in Renewable Energy degree programme with specialization in solar and wind energy systems has been designed in order to introduce emerging technologies associated with solar and wind energies integrated with management skills. The programme is designed to qualify students for occupations and careers in solar energy systems design and installation, PV and wind energy systems design and installation, solar energy design in built environment as well as energy management.

Energy Efficiency in Buildings

The Master of Science in Renewable Energy degree programme with specialization in energy efficiency in buildings has been designed in such a way that graduates will be provided with a specialized knowledge in energy efficiency in built environment integrated with management skills. The programme is designed to qualify students for occupations and careers in residential and industrial energy efficiency and management field, building site planning and green buildings design and construction. The students will be able to carry out residential, commercial and industrial energy audits and recommend the best measures for energy conservation.

Aims of the Programme

The programme aim is to train engineers and scientists in the area of renewable energy by providing them with core skills and knowledge needed in solving the practical challenges facing the energy industry and the community in general with regard to energy development, provision and utilization.

Programme Objectives

The general aims and objectives of the programme tally with those of Makerere

University. The specific aims of this Programme are:

  • To provide the country and the region with sufficient high level engineering human power in renewable energy as agents of development and change, thus contributing to the indigenous development of infrastructure, industry and trade.
  • To conduct research in the interest of suitable exploitation of renewable energy resources in Uganda and the region, ultimately leading to innovation of technical products and production processes for renewable energy industry
  • To provide expert professional services in the form of consultancy.

The specific objectives of this programme are:

  • To instruct at least 10 students in the Renewable Energy field in each academic year
  • Provide knowledge in analysis of Renewable Energy systems
  • To develop capacity to evaluate and recommend effective Renewable Energy schemes

To train students in appropriate research/project methodologies.



The MSc.RE programme is run on semester system.

Semester I Code Course name CU LH PH CH New/Current
All Core Courses RET7101 Electrical Energy Systems 3 40 10 45 New
RET7102 Hydropower 3 40 10 45 New
RET7103 Bioenergy 3 40 10 45 New
RET7104 Solar Energy 3 40 10 45 New
RET7105 Statistics and Research Methods 3 40 10 45 New
Total CU     15        


Semester II Code Course name CU LH PH CH New/Current
All Core Courses RET7201 Other Forms of Renewable Energy 3 40 10 45 New
  RET7202 Entrepreneurship Development 3 45 0 45 New
  RET7203 Project Management 3 45 0 45 New
  RET7204 Energy Policy, Planning and sustainable Development 3 45 0 45 New
  RET7205 Optimization of Energy Systems 3 40 10 45 New
Total CU     15        


Semester III Code Course name CU LH PH CH New/Current
Bioenergy Specialisation (All core courses) RET8101 Thermochemical conversion Processes and Application 3 40 10 45 New
RET8102 Biochemical Conversion Processes and Applications 3 40 10 45 New
RET8103 Design and Modeling of Thermal Power Systems 3 40 10 45 New
Total CU     9        
Solar Energy Specialisation (All core courses) RET8104 Solar Cell Technology 3 40 10 45 New
RET8105 Electrical Energy Conversion in PV systems 3 40 10 45 New
RET8106 Solar Thermal Technology 3 40 10 45 New
Total CU     9        
Hydropower Specialization (All core courses) RET8107 Design and Maintenance of Hydropower Electro­Mechanical Equipment 3 40 10 45 New
RET8108 Hydraulic Structures in Hydropower 3 40 10 45 New
RET8109 Development of small Hydropower 3 40 10 45 New
Total CU     9        
Energy Efficiency in Buildings (All core Courses) RET8110 Heat Transfer and Thermal Insulation in Buildings 3 40 10 45 New
RET8111 Low Energy Architeture 3 40 10 45 New
RET8112 Energy comfort in Buildings 3 40 10 45 New
Total CU     9        
Semester IV Code Course name CU LH PH CH New/Current
Thesis Proposal and Dissertation RET8201 Thesis project 10 0 300 150 New
Total CU     10        

Total Credit Units for a student to graduate in this program are 49

LH- lecture hour, TH – tutorial hour, PH- practical hour,  CH -Contact hour, CU- credit unit



Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

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