Master of Science in Urban Planning and Design

Objectives of the Programme

The overall objective of the programme is to produce highly skilled professionals with the knowledge to respond to the demands of the practical

world and to bridge the present knowledge gap between architectural competence and planning competence in urban development.

Our graduates need to be able to develop the following abilities:


  • To enable students from architecture and design disciplines to develop skills and employ their knowledge in developingcomplex socially, environmentally and economically sustainable urban and spatial planning strategies.
  • To use design thinking as a critical, interrogative process through which to explore the broader parameters of the researchwithin a particular situation or environment.
  • To conceptualize, define, and analyze design problems and opportunities at the urban scale.
  • To analyze and evaluate the performance of design projects and policies.
  • To understand the processes which generate urban form.
  • To synthesize and manage strategies for implementation in urban planning and design involving public and privatedevelopment actions.
  • To work successfully with the public and the planning and design professions that shape the urban environment.
  • To contribute creatively to the resolution of urban problems through design.
  • Promote the acquisition of advanced practical and demand driven skills in the area of Urban planning and Design.
  • Independently and effectively solve multi-faceted issues of the day to day activities in the field.
  • Communicate ideas in clear and compelling ways – visually, orally, and in writing – as is demanded by the urban designer’spublic role.

Target Group
The programme targets graduates with Honours degree in a discipline related to the built environment and the city (e.g. Architecture, Planning,

Surveying, Engineering, Construction Management, Land use Planning, Geography, Landscape Planning/Architecture). Candidates with alternative

professional experience may also be considered.


To qualify for admission, a candidate must fulfil the general Makerere University entry requirements for a Masters degree, and in addition the

candidate must be a holder of either

  • A postgraduate diploma in Urban Design, Urban and Regional Planning, Architecture or its equivalent from a recognizedUniversity/Institution; OR
  • A bachelors degree in Urban/Regional/Physical/Town and Country Planning, Architecture, Landscape Design, Civil Engineering,Construction Management, surveying, or its equivalent from a recognized University/Institution.
  • Students who have obtained first and second class degrees should be free to join after completion.
  • Students who have obtained pass degree can only join after two years professional working experience and demonstratingprofessional growth in the relevant field to the degree programme, such as a Post Graduate Diploma or evidence of presenting academic papers inconferences.


This is a day/evening programme with duration of two years. Courses generally start in August and finish in the beginning of June. Students on the

MSc Degree Program can follow Plan A or Plan B study plans.

Plan A

Students under Plan A are required to take two semesters of course work and two semesters of dissertation. To qualify for plan A, a student shall

have completed all their course work and have a research proposal latest by the second week of semester three.

Plan B

Students under Plan B are required to take three semesters of coursework and one semester of a project. To qualify for plan B a student shall have

completed all their coursework and also have a research proposal by the second week of the forth semester.


The duration for the M.Sc in UPD degree programme is two (2) academic years comprising of 4 semesters.

MSc. Urban Planning and Design – Options


(Plan A and B)


Course Code Course Name LH       PH       CH      CU

Core Courses (COMPULSORY)

UPD 7101 Planning Theory and Practice 45        –           45        3
UPD 7102 Planning and Design Fundamentals 45        –           45        3
UPD 7103 Theory and Methods of Urban Design 45        –           45        3
UPD 7104 Computer Applications for Planning and Design 30        30        45        3
UPD 7105 Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Systems 45        –           45        3
Total Credit Units = 15 



Core Courses
UPD 7201 Research Methodology and Scientific Writing 30        30        45        3
UPD 7202 Neighbourhood Planning and Design 30        30        45        3
UPD 7203 Action and Strategic Planning 30        30        45        3 
UPD 7204 Landscape Planning and Design 30        30        45        3 
UPD 7205 Sustainable Zoning and Land Use Regulation 45        –           45        3
Total Credit Units = 15 



Plan A
One Core
UPD 8101 Masters Dissertation –           300      300      10
UPD 8102 Seminar Series 30 – 30 2
Total Credit Units = 12
Plan B



Three Core Courses
UPD 8103 Planning and Design Quality 45        –           45        3  
UPD 8104 Urban Regeneration (Studio) 30        30        45        3 
UPD 8105 Planning Practice and Management 45        –           45        3 
Two Elective Courses
UPD 8106 Planning for Disasters, Recovery and Resilience 45        –           45        3 
UPD 8107 Urban Systems Modelling and Design 30        30        45        3 
UPD 8108 Concepts and Techniques of Urban and Regional Planning 45        –           45        3 
UPD 8109 Advanced GIS Application for Urban Designers 30        30        45        3 
UPD 8110 Planning and Sustainability 45        –           45        3
Total Credit Units = 15



Two Cores
UPD 8201 Master’s Project in Urban Planning and Design –           150      150      5
UPD 8202 Seminar Series 30           0           30        2
Total Credit Units = 7 (Project work = 5CU and Seminar = 2CU)

Apply for Admission



Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Student Resources

The programme targets graduates with Honours degree in a discipline related to the built environment and the city (e.g. Architecture, Planning, Surveying, Engineering, Construction Management, Land use Planning, Geography, Landscape Planning/Architecture)