Dr. Lydia Kayondo Ndandiko Mazzi, PhD

Lydia.mazzi@mak.ac.ug; Lndandiko@gmail.com
+256772491789, +256704491789
Department of Geomatics and Land Management, College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology, Makerere University, office Number: 3028-3029

Dr. Lydia Kayondo Ndandiko Mazzi, PhD

Senior Lecturer, Chair / Head of Department, Geomatics and Land Management, Makerere University

Research Interests: Geomatics education, MIS and GIS Modelling, Geovisualisation & VGI, Capabilities of drone imagery, Land Administration and Management


Dr. Lydia Mazzi Kayondo – Ndandiko, a practicing land surveyor also currently a GIS Expert. She has a Bsc Surveying, Makerere University, MSc Geographical Information Management (GIM), ITC, Netherlands and a PhD in Geomatics from BTH, Sweden

A registered land surveyor of Uganda (RSU) and a fellow of the institution of Surveyors of Uganda (FISU). A senior lecturer in the department of Geomatics and Land Management in the College of engineering Design Art and Technology of Makerere University. She doubles as the Director of the Makerere University GIS Centre and operates as a private consultant in GIS. Lydia has been at the fore front of Fit for Purpose initiatives in Uganda. Particularly she has facilitated workshops on the awareness of the Uganda Land Policy, and the Voluntarily Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure (VGGT) under FAO and with MoLHUD has overseen the use of SOLA Open Tenure in the issuance of certificates of customary ownership in Kasese district. Together with ZoA, have also facilitated the issuance of CCOs in Nwoya district. In collaboration with GIZ have facilitated and monitored the inventory of bibanja holders in a number of sub counties in Mityana and Mubende districts. 

Currently she is the head of the Geomatics and Land Management Department of Makerere University and is overseeing the implementation of the Masters of Science in Land Management.


  • January 2008 – Nov 2012: PhD, Title: Geographical Information Technologies – Decision support for road maintenance in Uganda. Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden) and Makerere University (Kampala, Uganda), Sandwich Programme
  • Sept 2005- March 2007: Master of Science (Msc GIMA) Geo Information Management. ITC, Enschede Netherlands¬. Master Thesis – “Balancing data and information requirements for transport planning in Uganda, case of Kampala City Council”
  • August 1996–June 2000: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Land Surveying Hons. (Upper Second). Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Other key skills training (Certification)

  • Certified member and trainer of the John Maxwell leadership material,
  • Alumni of the Oakseed Executive Leadership Course (OSELC) with the Institute of National Transformation.
  • Leadership under Harvest Institute School of Leadership
  • Graduate Supervision and Mentoring
  • Training workshops Higher Education Resource Services East Africa, (HERS-EA) Fourth Academy

Conferences/workshops papers presented

  1. Jemba N., Kayondo, L.M.N and Gidudu, (2015). Adoption of Geographical Information Technologies in the Road Sector of Uganda’s Local Government, August 2015, Advanced Geomatics Research Conference.
  2. Gerhard Bax, Lydia Mazzi Kayondo – Ndandiko, Sandy Stevens Tickodri – Togboa. Low-cost road condition data capture system for sustainable road maintenance in Uganda, 26th International Cartographic Conference (ICC) of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), August 25th – 30th, 2013, Dresden – Germany.
  3. Mugalu Gerald & Lydia Mazzi Kayondo – Ndandiko 5-8th August 2013. An Assessment of the Flood Plain of River Malaba Catchment, (2013), 2nd Conference on Advanced Geomatics Research.
  4. Lydia Mazzi Kayondo- Ndandiko, Object Based GIS-T Data Model for Road Maintenance in Uganda, Presented at the Regional collaboration conference 31st July- 4th August 2013, Bagamoyo Tanzania.
  5. L. Kayondo, G. Bax, S. S. T-Togboa. (2012). Object Based GIS-T Data Model for Road Infrastructure Maintenance in Uganda. The 9th International Conference of the African Association of Remote Sensing and the Environment (AARSE 2012).
  6. Kayondo, L. M., Tickodri-Togboa, S. S. and Bax, G., Second International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2011. Algorithmic Incorporation of Geographic Information Technologies in Road Infrastructure Maintenance in Uganda. Entebbe, Uganda, Pgs. 242-248.
  7. L. Kayondo, G. Bax, S. S. T-Togboa. (2011) Geographic Information Systems for Transportation – Data Model for Road Maintenance in Uganda. The First Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research, pgs. 44-60.
  8. L. Kayondo, G. Bax, S. S. T-Togboa. (2011). Low Cost Methodology for Preliminary Road Maintenance Decision Support. The First Conference on Advances in Geomatics Research, August 2011, pgs. 61-73.
  9. Kayondo, L. M., Tickodri-Togboa, S. S. and Bax, G., 5th ESRI Eastern Africa User Conference (EAUC), 2010. An Overview of the Gaps and Limitations in the Utilization of GITs for Road Infrastructure Maintenance in Uganda. Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, 10th – 12th November 2010.
  10. Mazzi, L., K., Tickodri, S., S., T., and Bax, G., (2009). Geographical Information Technologies as Decision Support Tools in Road Infrastructure maintenance in Uganda. In proceedings of the 9th AfricaGIS international Conference: “Geo spatial Information and sustainable development in Africa; Facing.

Published Book Chapters

Mazzi, L. K., N., and Gidudu, A. 2011. SDI Requirements for Transport Infrastructure Planning. A Case if Kampala Uganda. Book Chapter in Kamusoko C., Ndegwa Mundia, C. and Murayama, Y. (eds.) Recent Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS in Sub Saharan Africa. Nova Publishers pgs. 175-197 ISBN: 978-1-61761-003-5

Published Journal Articles

  1. Bamweyana Ivan, Musinguzi Moses, and Lydia Mazzi Kayondo (2021). Evaluation of CHRIPPS Satellite Gridded Dataset as an Alternative Rainfall Estimate for Localised Modelling over Uganda. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences 11(4): 797-811
  2. Lydia Mazzi Kayondo Ndandiko, Joel Kitutu and Moses Musinguzi (2018). Situation Analysis of Healthcare Service Delivery Using Geographically Weighted Regression: (A Case Study of Sironko District, Eastern Uganda). South African Journal of Geomatics Vol 7, No 1 (2018) ISSN 2225-8531
  3. Ivan Bamweyana and Lydia Mazzi Kayondo (2018). Spatially Explicit Modelling of Extreme Weather and Climate Events Hot Spot for Cumulative Climate Change in Uganda. South African Journal of Geomatics Vol 7, No 1 (2018) ISSN 2225-8531
  1. Kayondo Ndandiko L. M, Bax G, Tickodri Togboa SS (2013). Object Based GIS-T Data Model for Road Infrastructure Maintenance in Uganda. Geoinfor Geostat: An Overview S1. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2327-4581.S1-014
  1. Lydia Mazzi Kayondo-Ndandiko, Gerhard Bax, Sandy Stevens Tickodri Togboa, An Object Based Geographical Information Systems for Transportation (GIS-T) Data Model for Road Maintenance in Uganda
. International Journal of Techno science and Development (IJTD) Vol 1, Issue 1, 2014, ISSN 2001-2837