Dr. Naturinda Dans Nshekanabo, PhD

+256 77 2508518, +256 70 2508518
P.O. Box 22891, Kampala Tel./Fax: 041 – 4540497

Dr. Dans Nshekanabo Naturinda. Phd

Lecturer, Construction Economics & Management department

Research Interest: the design and management of engineering projects, contract procurement and negotiations, research and teaching, and general management in a construction business environment.


I am a Civil Engineer/Construction Consultant with twenty years of experience in the design and management of engineering projects, contract procurement and negotiations, research and teaching, and general management in a construction business environment. I have been involved in several engineering projects in Uganda, and coordination and management of construction undertakings with various organisations. I am also engaged in training and teaching of engineers, construction managers, and other professionals involved in the construction industry, and research in related fields.

I have been working with Makerere University under the Department of Construction Economics and Management where I have administered construction management training for graduate and undergraduate students, coordinated research activities, and taught a number of construction management courses. I have also worked with the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers to provide a number of services for Continuous Professional Development of engineers in Uganda.

I am a consultant in management of construction projects, development of strategic and business plans in construction, and design reviews of various construction projects. In this capacity, I have worked with Technology Consults, a consultancy firm based at the College of Engineering, Makerere University, ASSPRO Group, Joadah Consult, MED Technologies, Cavicon Consultants, and Uganda Technical Colleges. I have also provided consultancy services for the International Organisation for Migration, Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda, and Habitat for Humanity.

Previously, I worked as a Project Manager for the Mid-Southern Towns Water and Sanitation Project under the Directorate of Water Development to develop water supply infrastructure in several towns. This was in addition to various assignments including project engineer for Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project, Systems Manager for Rakai Water Supply and Design Engineer involved in design and reviewing designs, carrying out feasibility studies and preparing funding proposals for various projects in Uganda.

I am conversant with computer use with knowledge of several applications and packages, and with ability to easily learn and use any software that may be necessary.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Construction Management), Makerere University, 2016
  • Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Const. Management), MakerereUniversity, 2007
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Civil) (2nd Class Upper), Makerere University, 1998

Specialised Training:

  • eadership Training, Regional Leadership Institute, Nairobi, Kenya, 2006
  • Quality Management Training on ISO 9000, Uganda National Bureau of Standards, 2000

Membership to Other Organisations:

  • Member of Makerere University Council (Estates and Works Committee) – 2015 – to date
  • Member of the Governing Council of Uganda Technical College Kichwamba, 2013 – to date
  • Chairman Planning and Development, Uganda Technical College Kichwamba, 2013 to date
  • Member, Finance Committee, Uganda Technical College Kichwamba, 2013 to date
  • Executive Member, Federation of Engineering Institutions of East Africa, 2010/2011
  • Honorary Secretary, Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers, 2010/2011
  • Chairman, National Technology Forum Steering Committee, 2009/2010
  • Chairman, Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers, Kampala Branch, 2009/2010
  • Vice Chairman, Membership Education and Training Committee of UIPE, 2009/2010
  • Executive Member, Governing Council of Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers, 2009-2013
  • Member of the Governing Council of Uganda Technical College Bushenyi, 2009 – 2012
  • Chairman, Planning and Development Committee, Uganda Technical College Bushenyi, 2009/2012
  • Member, Finance Committee, Uganda Technical College Bushenyi, 2009/2012
  • Member, Students’ Affairs Committee, Uganda Technical College Bushenyi, 2009/2012
  • Member, Transport Sector Working Committee, Ministry of Works and Transport, 2011/2012
  • Member, Joint Technical Task Force, Kampala Capital City Authority, 2011/2012
  • Vice Chairman, Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers, Kampala Branch, 2008/2009
  • Executive Member, Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers, Kampala Branch, 2007/2008
  • Cabinet Secretary, Lions Clubs International, District 411B (Tanzania/Uganda), 2016/2017
  • Chairperson Lions Quest Program, Lions Clubs International (Uganda), 2012/2016
  • President, Lions Club of Kampala Central, 2013/2014
  • Chairman Campaign SightFirst, Lions Club of Kampala Central, 2007/2008
  • Melvin Jones Fellow, Lions Clubs International Foundation

Experience Record

October – December 2017, Civil/Structural Engineering Consultant, Ministry of Energy

Worked with Prof. Joseph Byaruhanga to Formulate a Comprehensive Strategic Plan and Roadmap for the Power Sub-Sector charged with determining the infrastructure requirements for a Centre of Excellence for the Power Sub-Sector. 

October – November 2017, Consultant, Habitat for Humanity Uganda

Responsible for evaluation of the training and assessment of artisans in Iganga and Wakiso to obtain feedback and establish outcomes attributed to the training, from the trained and certified masons, participating consultant and technical institution, and home owners.

May 2017 – November 2017, Team Leader, Cavicon Consultants

Engaged as a Team Leader under the consultancy to carry out a hydrological study and technical designs for development of Bwanya Irrigation Scheme in Rwanda.

July 2016 – November 2017, Team Leader, Joadah Consult

Engaged as a Roads Engineer for rehabilitation of urban roads in Entebbe Municipality. The assignment includes review of road designs, traffic management plans, and construction management of construction works on behalf of Entebbe Municipal Council.

December 2016–February 2017, Consultant, Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda

Engaged as a consultant for property management and traffic impact assessment to assess the effect and management of a new building complex in Lubowa on traffic and available transport infrastructure.

July 2016 – December 2016, Team Leader, Cavicon Consultants

Engaged as a Team Leader under the consultancy to carry out a hydrological study and technical designs for development of Kanyonyomba II Irrigation Scheme in Rwanda.

October 2015 – May 2016, Team Leader, Technology Consults

Engaged as a Roads Engineer under the consultancy for rehabilitation of urban roads in Masaka Municipality. The assignment includes review of road designs, traffic management plans, and construction management of construction works on behalf of Masaka Municipal Council. 

December 2014 to November 2015, Team Leader, Technology Consults

Contract for supervision and management of construction project for Periodic Maintenance Works of Kibuuku – Nyabushozi Road (14.0km) and Kahunge-Bisozi-Rwamwanja Road (34.0km) under Uganda National Roads Authority.

October 2014 to September 2015, Team Leader, Technology Consults

Contract for supervision and management of Rehabilitation Works of Selected Municipal Roads; Church Road (1.572km), Fulu Road (0.171km), Nyondo Road (0.130km), Basudde Rise (0.32km) under Entebbe Municipality.

December 2014 to August 2015, Team Leader, Technology Consults

Contract for supervision and management of construction project for Periodic Maintenance Works of Rwamwanja – Mbuza – Rweitengya – Kihura Road (34km) under Uganda National Roads Authority.

2006 – to date, teaching at Makerere University

Responsible for teaching Project Development, Project Management and Control, Construction Business Management, Construction Law, Construction Materials, Organisation Theory and Human Resource Management for graduate students.  I also teach Principles of Management, Construction Management, Construction Contract Law/Administration, Construction Economics, Construction Materials, and Construction Accounting for undergraduate students.

July – August 2015, Consultant, Habitat for Humanity Uganda

Responsible for assessment and profiling of artisans in the construction industry in Uganda and preparing training and certification requirements

August 2014 – January 2015, Expert Construction Sector, International Organisation for Migration

Responsible for carrying out a Labour Needs Assessment for the construction sector in Uganda under the project “Contributing to Improved Labour Market Information through the UN Joint Programme on Population, phase II” to develop key building blocks of a labour market information system (LMIS) that can contribute to sound and evidence-based policies on employment in Uganda.

2011 – 2015, Research Fellow, Department of Construction Economics and Management

Engaged as a research fellow while undertaking doctoral studies under a research project for pozzolanic materials in Uganda, supported by the World Bank’s Millennium Science Initiative.  Was particularly responsible for examining natural pozzolans in Uganda for low strength applications in low-cost housing.

May 2014 – June 2015, Project Manager/Team Leader, Technology Consults

Responsible for planning, managing and coordinating a project for development of a bankable business plan and detailed designs for Kachung Vocational Skills Development facility under National Water and Sewerage Corporation.  Also responsible preparation of all reports, quality assurance of all outputs, review of designs, and definition of project requirements.

March 2013 – February 2014, Chairperson Planning and Development, Uganda Technical College Kichwamba

Headed a team the developed the Development Master Plan of the College and was part of the task force that developed a proposal to upgrade the College to an Institute of Technology to offer both diploma and degree programs

July 2012 to June 2014, Team Leader, ASSPRO Group

Contract for supervision and management of construction projects under the Universal Post Primary Education and Training (UPPET) of the Ministry of Education and Sports including, classroom blocks, laboratory blocks, and administrative blocks for 54 secondary schools throughout the country.

2008 – 2011, CPD Facilitator, Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers

Responsible for identification of training and development needs for practicing engineers, preparation of training and management courses, presentation at Continuous Professional Development (CPD) seminars, publications, and organisational services at professional conferences. 

2009 – 2011, Strategic Planning, Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers

In charge of development of a ten-year strategic plan of the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers to guide the institution in spearheading the development and integration of engineering science and technology into public policy and promoting higher engineering standards in Uganda.

2003 – 2004 MED Technologies Ltd./Associated Consulting Engineers

Project Coordinator, National Strategy for Rainwater Harvesting

Coordination of the project to develop a National Rainwater Harvesting Strategy, for the Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment, involving all the districts in Uganda.


General Management 

2007 to date, Makerere University – Coordinator, Postgraduate Training and Research 

Engaged under the Department of Construction Economics to coordinate and manage postgraduate training and management education, administration of research projects, supervision of research and industrial training.

2002 to 2009, MED Technologies Ltd. – Technical Director  

Charged with administration of technical services, planning and coordination of activities, procurement and management of contracts, and preparation of technical proposals and reports, and technical backstopping to other professionals.

1999 – 2001, Project Manager, Mid Southern Towns Water and Sanitation Project, Directorate of Water Development (DWD)

Responsible for planning and preparation of project implementation documents and financial plans, resource mobilisation, procurement of services and supplies, monitoring and evaluation, and general administration of the project for water supply infrastructure covering ten towns located in Masaka, Sembabule and Wakiso Districts.


1998 – 1999, Systems Manager, Rakai Town Water Supply, Directorate of Water Development

In charge of management of Rakai Town Water Supply involving water treatment and pumped transmission and distribution, operation and maintenance of the prepayment systems, planning and operation and maintenance of the entire water supply, promotion of safe water use in the town, mobilisation and involvement of the community in water supply activities and regular reporting to the Directorate of Water Development.


Contract/Project Management 

May 2015 – August 2017, Project Management Consultant, Joadah Consult

Engaged as a project management consultant on the project for construction of a Specialised Maternal and Neonatal Health Care Unit in Mulago Hospital under the Ministry of Health. This is a nine-level building with OPD services (ANC), radiology services, gyn services, support services (pharmacy, labs, blood bank, pathology, kitchen and laundry), administration and teaching facilities; reproductive endocrinology and infertility centre, operating theatres (6 no.), intensive care units, high risk maternity wards, labour suites, private wings, and a helipad.    

January 2015 – June 2017, Project Management Consultant, Joadah Consult

Engaged as a project management consultant on the project for rehabilitation of Mulago National Referral Hospital under the Ministry of Health, and co-managed with AMPC and Sharp Shop Architects. The major civil works involve construction of a complete organ transplant unit with 2 operating theatres, 2 ICU rooms, 1 HDU and 36 dialysis beds; expansion of the centralized operating theatres, ICU, radiology department, and pathology department, and  re-modeling of wards; construction of VVIP rooms, relocation of the Administration Block and construction of a 250 seater conference hall. Other works improve refurbishing of the existing structures, the road network, and electromechanical works and ICT facilities.


August 2011 – December 2011 – Contract Manager, Rehabilitation of Urban Roads in Hoima Municipal Council under MED Technologies Ltd.

A contract under Hoima Municipal Council Local Government for rehabilitation of 5km of urban roads including civil works, gravelling, asphalt pavement, walk-ways, parking, drainage works and road furniture.


December 2010 – February 2011 – Contract Manager, Periodic Maintenance of Kikuube-Nyabiiso-Kisekura and Bweyale-Diika Roads under MED Technologies Ltd.

A contract under Kiryandongo District Local Government for periodic maintenance of 16km of roads including earthworks, drainage works, pavement, and road furniture.


January 2009 – 2011 – Contract Manager, Construction of Classroom Block and Library

A contract for Kyeizooba Girls’ Secondary School in Bushenyi to construct a three-storey building with 15 classrooms, library, laboratories and offices under MED Technologies. 


January 2009 – 2011 – Contract Manager, MED Technologies Contract for Road Repair Works

Rehabilitation of Malere- Kumi, Kolir-Sironko, Bugema Army Barracks Access, Buyaga-Buluganya and Mbale Railway Crossing Roads under Uganda National Roads Authority


January 2008 – January 2009 – Contract Manager (MED Technologies), Construction of Treatment Plant for Arua Town Water Supply

A contract under National Water and Sewerage Corporation to construct rapid sand filters, contact tanks and clarifiers for Arua Town Water Supply in the West Nile region of Uganda. 


January – August 2007 – Contract Manager, Construction of Nakifuma Town Water Supply

A contract under the Ministry of Water and Environment, to construct a piped water supply system for Nakifuma Town in Central Uganda.  The project involved ground water sources, transmission mains, distribution network and a 100m3 steel tank on a 12m steel tower.


March – August 2006 – Contract Manager, Rehabilitation of Buziga, Makindye, Kololo and Buziga Water Tanks

A contract under National Water and Sewerage Corporation – Kampala Water, to rehabilitate pressed steel tanks in Kampala of capacities ranging between 100m3 and 2400m3.


June 2005 – December 2005, MED Technologies Ltd. – Contract Manager

Construction of Public Standposts and Extension of Distribution Mains in Kampala

A contract under Kampala City Council to construct 100 No. public water standposts and up to 10km of distribution mains in five divisions of Kampala.


November 2004 – August 2005 MED Technologies Ltd. – Contract Manager

Construction of Kachumbala Water Supply

Management of a project to construct a water supply system for Kachumbala Town in Kumi District under the Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment.  The work involves construction of the intake, pumping system, transmission (pumped) main, distribution reservoir (60m3 steel), distribution network and a water office.


October 2003 – January 2005 MED Technologies Ltd. – Contract Manager

Construction of Steel Tanks in Rural Growth Centres

Management of a project to construct 8No. steel tanks of capacities ranging between 50 and 90m3, in seven towns, under the Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment.


January – March 2005 MED Technologies Ltd. – Contract Manager

Construction of Public Standposts in Urban Poor Parishes

A contract under Kampala City Council to construct 40 No. public water standposts in five divisions of Kampala.


November 2004 – March 2005 MED Technologies Ltd. – Contract Manager

Rehabilitation of Mitaano-Katojo and Kanungu – Kabaranga Roads

Management of the contract for rehabilitation of the two roads in Kanungu District with a total length of 30km, involving grading, shaping, graveling and drainage works. 

March – August 2004 MED Technologies Ltd. – Contract Manager

Construction of Water Mains and Reticulation Network in Kamwokya

A contract under National Water and Sewerage Corporation to extend the water supply distribution main and construct the reticulation network in Kamwokya – Kifumbira, Kampala.

November 2001 – January 2003 MED Technologies Ltd. – Construction Contract Administration

In charge of administration and coordination of the following contracts

  • Construction of Rurama Water Supply Scheme in Kanungu District
  • Construction of Shuuku Water Supply Scheme in Bushenyi District
  • Construction of Rubindi Water Supply Scheme in Mbarara District
  • Construction of office blocks in Sembabule and Masaka for the Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment
  • Construction of Kishami Road in Ntungamo District
  • Construction of valley tanks in Sembabule and Mubende
  • Rehabilitation of boreholes in Bugiri and Mayuge Districts
  • Drainage works on Ntungamo – Kagamba Road


Design and Construction Supervision 

January 2004 – April 2006, MED Technologies Ltd./Associated Consulting Engineers

Design Engineer/Construction Manager

Design and construction supervision of water supply systems for Kobokho, Paidha and Yumbe towns, under Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment.


March 2003 – February 2004 MED Technologies Ltd./Associated Consulting Eng.

Project Coordinator, National Strategy for Rainwater Harvesting

Coordination of the project to develop a National Rainwater Harvesting Strategy, for the Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment.

2001 – 2003 MED Technologies Ltd. – Design Engineer

Carried out preliminary and detailed designs for water supply schemes for:

  • Namutumba Town in Iganga District,
  • Kassanda Town in Mubende District,
  • Bwizibwera, Ishongororo, Kazo and Rugaaga Towns in Mbarara District,
  • Katwe and Kashenyi Towns in Bushenyi District,
  • Matugga and Nakawukka Towns in Mpigi District,
  • Buvuma Gravity Flow Scheme in Mukono District,
  • Bukuya Gravity Flow Scheme in Mubende District,
  • Ndeija, Rukiri and Kicuzi Gravity Flow Schemes in Mbarara District, and
  • Kasaana and Kabaale Gravity Flow Schemes in Bushenyi District

2002: Design Engineer, Associated Consulting Engineers

Contracted by the Associated Consulting Engineers and carried out feasibility studies and preliminary designs for Katovu Trading Centre in Masaka District and Kakiri Barracks

2001, Site Engineer – Pillar Construction, Buhaura Gravity Flow Scheme

Engaged by Pillar Construction to supervise construction of Buhaura Gravity Flow Scheme in Kasese District.

2000, Engineer – DWD, Mid West Rural Water & Sanitation Project Proposal

With a team of other professionals carried out general survey of the water supply sector in the districts of Kibaale, Hoima, Masindi, Nakasongora, Mpigi, Masaka and Sembabule.  The main aim was to roughly estimate the needs for new infrastructure and global investment required, assess district capacities and propose a choice of two districts in which to implement the proposed new project.

1999, Engineer – DWD, Central Belt Towns Water Project Funding Proposal

With a team of other professionals, carried out a rapid assessment of the existing water and sanitation situations, collected baseline information and carried out rough designs and investment cost projections, to be submitted to AFD for funding consideration of a package of ten towns including Kakumiro, Kibaale and Kagadi in Kibaale District, Kigoroobya in Hoima District, Kigumba and Kiryandongo in Masindi District, Kamdini, Minakulu, Loro, Apac and Aduku in Apac District and Aloi in Lira District.

1998-1999, Project Engineer, Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project (DWD), Design of Intake Works and Treatment System for Rakai Water Supply

Collected all the necessary data, analysed it and designed the clarifier and intake works, and produced detailed designs and tender documents for the construction of the works. 

1999, Project Engineer, Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project (DWD), Design and Construction Supervision of Rakai Water Supply Extension

Carried out detailed pipe route surveys for the extension, collected socio-demographic data to determine the water demand and location of water points, carried out detailed designs of the extension, produced an engineering report and tender documents for construction.  Initiated the procurement of the contractor through competitive bidding, bid evaluation and preparation and processing of contract documents, and supervision of the construction works.

1997, Engineer (Trainee), Small Towns Water and Sanitation Project (DWD)

As an Engineer (Trainee) carried out design reviews for the towns of Lyantonde, Ntungamo, Busia, Malaba and Luwero, participated in the evaluation of contractors for construction and supervised the final stages of Rakai Water Supply construction.

1997, Site Engineer, M & E Associates

Was responsible for supervision of works for Rainwater Harvesting Systems, shallow wells and deep boreholes in Apac District under the Northern Uganda Reconstruction Project – Water Sub-Project.


Research Papers and Publications:

  • Naturinda D. N., Kerali A. G., and Tindiwensi D. (2015), The structural behavior of pozzolan-lime cement as a potential substitute to Portland cement in low-strength construction applications; Proceedings of the 1st Symposium of Knowledge Exchange for Young Scientists (KEYS), June 8 – 12, 2015, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, German.
  • Naturinda D. N., Kerali A. G. and Tindiwensi D. (2015), An Examination of Compressive Strength Variation of Pozzolan-Lime Cement with Pozzolan Particle Size; Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (ICAESAM’2015), March 23 – 24, 2015, London United Kingdom.
  • Naturinda D. N. and Kerali A. G. (2014), An examination of natural pozzolans in Uganda for low-strength construction applications; Proceedings of the First International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures, November 24 – 26, 2014, Johannesburg, South Africa. IOS Press Amsterdam.
  • Naturinda D. N. and Kerali A. G. (2013), An investigation into the quality of natural pozzolans in Uganda for use in Construction; Proceedings of the SIDA Regional Collaboration Conference, July 31st to August 2nd, 2013, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
  • Naturinda D. N. (2011), Engineering fragmentation in Uganda:  the challenges of accrediting engineering programs; Proceedings of the 4th Africa-UK Partnership Programme Workshop, November 16 – 17, 2011, Harare, Zimbabwe.
  • Naturinda D. N., Tindiwensi D., 2007, Motivation of Workers and Construction Value Management, Proceedings of the Conference on Collaborative Research for Technological Development, 17th – 21st December 2007,  Makerere University, Kampala Uganda
  • Naturinda D. N., 2007, The Role of Worker Motivation in Construction Value Management, Unpublished MSc Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
  • Naturinda D. N., Ntale H. K. Rubarenzya M. H., Kasingye K., 2005, The Rainwater harvesting Strategy in Uganda, 31st WEDC Conference Proceedings, Kampala Uganda
  • Naturinda D. N., Rubarenzya Mark Henry, Kasingye Kyamugambi, 2005, Cost Recovery and Affordability Challenges for Small Urban Water Supply Schemes: The Case of Rakai Town, Uganda. EWRA Conference Proceedings, Cairo, Egypt, December 2005
  • Naturinda D. N., Rubarenzya M. H., 2006, The Impact of Gravity Flow Schemes on the Environment:  The Case of Shuuku.  EWRI – IIT Kapur Conference Proceedings, New Delhi, India, December 2006.
  • Naturinda D. N., Ngirane-Katashaya G., and Kabananukye, K., 2003, National Rainwater Harvesting Strategy, Policy proposal for the Ministry of Water, Lands and Environment
  • Naturinda D. N. and Wozei Eleanor, 1998, Spring water quality improvement in slums, 24th WEDC Conference Proceedings, Islamabad Pakistan
  • Naturinda D. N., 1997, Improvement of Springs for low-cost water supply in low-lying sub-urban areas:  The case of Katanga in Kampala.  BSc Report, Department of Civil Engineering, Makerere University, Uganda.