Jane Namaganda-Kiyimba

Jane Namaganda-Kiyimba, PhD

Senior Lecturer

Research Interest: 


Dr. Jane Namaganda-Kiyimba is currently the Head, Department of Electrical and Electronics at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) at Makerere University. She has previously worked in the telecommunications industry particularly in the area of ISP and Packet Core Networks Planning and Optimization for both Warid Telecom Uganda, now Airtel and Uganda Telecom.

Dr. Namaganda-Kiyimba is a member of both the IEEE and IET. Her research areas of interest include Renewable Energy, Microgrids, Power Engineering, Rural Electrification, Energy Management, Energy Systems, Distributed Generation, Studies on Smart Grid Concept development and Virtual Power Plants.


  • September 2016 – October 2020 The University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • July 2009 – June 2011 National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal, INDIA ▪ Master of Technology (MTech) Power and Energy Systems (CGPA: 7.59/10)
  • 2003 – 2007 Makerere University Kampala, UGANDA ▪ Bachelor of Science Electrical Engineering (1st Class Hons)


  1.  J. Namaganda-Kiyimba and J. Mutale, “An Optimal Rural Community PV Microgrid Design
    Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming and DBSCAN Approach,” Published in the September
    2020 Issue of the SAIEE Africa Research Journal.
  2.  J. Namaganda-Kiyimba and J. Mutale, “Designing Affordable Rural Community Microgrids,” in
    2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference, 2020.
  3. J. Namaganda-Kiyimba and J. Mutale, “Gender Considerations in Load Estimation for Rural
    Electrification,” in SusTech2020 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, 2020, pp.
  4. J. Namaganda-Kiyimba, and J. Mutale, “Sustainability Metrics for Rural Electrification in
    Developing Countries”, paper presented at the 2018 IEEE PES & IAS Power Africa Conference,
    Cape Town, South Africa (26th-29th June 2018).
  5. Attended and presented a poster at the Instigation of Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Solutions for Cities (IRES-8)
    Conference held in Manchester, United Kingdom (4th-6th December 2019).
  6. Attended and presented a poster at the Postgraduate Research Poster conference held by the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester on 8th November
  7. Udaykumar R. Yaragatti, and Jane Namaganda, “Adopting Virtual Power Plant concept for increasing Distributed Energy Resource installations-an overview”
    Paper presented at the National Conference on Technological Advances for New Power Generating Units and For Performance Enhancement of Present Plants.
    18-19th November 2010, Held at Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, India