Promotion of Hybrid renewable Energy system towards Electricity Access in Uganda​ (PHRE)


what we do

Decentralized renewable energy systems are viable alternatives for Uganda’s rural electrification to meet the energy shortage. However, the transfer of knowledge, technologies, and socioeconomic competence in this field is urgently needed in Uganda. 

The colloboration between BOKU and MAK aims at establishing the basis for an academic Partnership on renewable energy Technology

Project Partners

A partnership between Austria and Uganda​

The project is funded by the Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development – APPEAR. APPEAR is a programme of the Austrian Development Cooperation and is implemented by the OeAD

Projects Facts


COORDINATING INSTITUTION: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna

PARTNER INSTITUTIONS: Makerere University (MAK) Dr. Hillary Kasedde


PROJECT DURATION: 1 June 2023 – 31 May 2026 (36 months)


Project Objectives

Developing Training Programmes

Develop specific modules and training programs on hybrid renewable energy systems to support the existing master curricula at Makerere University

Develop Hybride Lab For Energy Systems

Develop maker spaces and instructional laboratory for hybrid renewable energy systems for teaching and research at Makerere University

Develop Local & National Societal Structures

Develop local and national societal structures, to address technical, social, and economic aspects related to energy

Decentralized renewable energy systems are viable alternatives for Uganda’s rural electrification to meet the energy shortage. However, the transfer of knowledge, technologies, and socioeconomic competence in this field is urgently needed in Uganda. The proposed collaboration between the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) and Makerere University (Mak) aims at establishing a basis for an academic partnership on renewable energy technology.