Research Institutes and Centres

CEDAT has one (1) Institute and six (6) Centers. Four of these are on the establishment while two are externally funded.

Name of Institute/  Area of focus CentreTarget GroupPartnersPrincipal Investigator /Head
The Institute of Heritage Conservation and RestorationDocumenting/ Archiving the Makerere visual art heritageResearchers StudentsGoU, US Embassy in Uganda, GIZAssoc. Prof. George Kyeyune
Centre for Research in Energy and Energy ConservationRural electrification. Energy for productive use/ household use Renewable energy technologiesStudents General populationGoUMs. Susan Abbo (External staff)
Centre for Research in Transportation TechnologiesGreen Transport TechnologiesStudents Business CommunityGoUDr. Hilary Kasedde
Centre for Technology Development and TransferSolar TechnologyThe community Industry Students Assoc. Prof. Michael Lubwama.
Centre for Geographical Information Systems (GIS)Research Community Outreach Short coursesCommunity GIS users Specialists Researchers Dr. Lydia M. Kayondo-Ndandiko.
The East African Centre of Excellence in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (EACREEE)Renewable energyEast African Community member statesUNIDO supported by the East African Community.Assoc. Prof. Mackay Okure
The Africa Centre of Excellence for Materials, Product Development and Nano Technology (MAPRONANO)Nano Technology Materials development Nano medicineStudents Policy makers IndustryWorld Bank IUCEA  MakCHS USAMRIIDProf. J B M Kirabira