Schools and Departments

This section of the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology website describes the Academic units that are present at the College. The College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology is made up of 3 Schools and 11 Departments. Currently, each of the Schools has departments, offering each distinct academic programmes. These Academic programmes are each described under their respective departments. The Teaching staff belonging to each department are also listed in their respective departments and a brief resume is given for each member.

School of Engineering

  1. Department of Electrical engineering
  2. Department of Mechanical Engineering
  3. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  4. Department of Electrical and Electronics

The School of the Built Environment

  1. Department of Architecture
  2. Department of Urban and Regional Planning
  3. Department of Geomatics and Land Management
  4. Department of Construction Economics and Management

The Margaret Trowel School of Industrial and Fine Art

  1. Department of Visual Communication Design and Multimedia (DVCDM)
  2. Department of Industrial Art and Applied Design
  3. Department of Industrial Fine Art