HomeDr. Jane Namaganda Kiyimba

Dr. Jane Namaganda Kiyimba

Dr. Edwin Mugume
Dr. Edwin Mugume Lecturer

Dr. Jane Namaganda Kiyimba is a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) at Makerere University. She has more than ten years’ experience in teaching, researching and supervising student projects both at undergraduate and graduate level. She has previously worked in the telecommunications industry particularly in the area of ISP and Packet Core Networks Planning and Optimization for both Warid Telecom Uganda, now Airtel and Uganda Telecom.

Dr. Namaganda Kiyimba is a member of both the IEEE and IET. She is also a Junior Fellow of the Pan-African Scientific Research Council.

First Name



Namaganda Kiyimba

Other Name


Academic Title



Electrical and Computer Engineering

Position e.g.  Head of Department


Telephone Number



jane.namaganda@mak.ac.ug / jnamaganda@gmail.com

Office Number

Room 3015 (New CEDAT Building)

Courses Taught

TEC1121 Fundamentals of Engineering

RET8106 Solar Thermal

ELE2212 Electrical Energy Systems

MPS7210 Energy Management, Policy and Society

Areas of Research Interest

Renewable Energy, Microgrids, Power Engineering, Rural Electrification, Energy Management, Energy Systems, Distributed Generation, Studies on Smart Grid Concept development, Virtual Power Plants.

Education Background

Dr. Jane Namaganda Kiyimba obtained a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering (First Class Honors) from Makerere University, Uganda in 2007. She obtained an MTech degree in Power and Energy Systems from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India in 2011 (ICCR – Indian Commonwealth Scholarship Recipient). She obtained her PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from The University of Manchester, UK in 2020 (Commonwealth PhD Scholarship Recipient).

Other key skills training (Certification)


Research project history

1. Co-Principal Investigator for the RIF Project “Integration of on-grid and off-grid decentralised renewable energy systems in Uganda”, December 2020

2. Postdoctoral Research Assistant / Team member for the JUMP2Excel Project (www.JUMP2Excel.eu) funded by the European Union

3. Team Member / Lead for the CEDAT component for the HEPSSA-2224-4-100165 project funded by the Royal Academy of Engineering.

4. Team Member / Lead for Makerere component for the OpenMod4Africa (101118123) project funded by the European Union as part of Horizon2022

Conferences/workshops  papers presented

1. J. Namaganda-Kiyimba and J. Mutale, “Designing Affordable Rural Community Microgrids,” in 2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica Conference, 2020.

2. J. Namaganda-Kiyimba and J. Mutale, “Gender Considerations in Load Estimation for Rural Electrification,” in SusTech2020 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability, 2020, pp. 263–270.

3. J. Namaganda-Kiyimba, and J. Mutale, “Sustainability Metrics for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries”, paper presented at the 2018 IEEE PES & IAS Power Africa Conference, Cape Town, South Africa (26th-29th June 2018

4. Udaykumar R. Yaragatti, and Jane Namaganda, “Adopting Virtual Power Plant concept for increasing Distributed Energy Resource installations-an overview”

Paper presented at the National Conference on Technological Advances for New Power Generating Units and for Performance Enhancement of Present Plants.

18-19th November 2010, Held at Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, India.

Published books


Published Book Chapters


Published Journal Articles

1. J. Namaganda-Kiyimba, J. Mutale, and B. Azzopardi, “Improving the Load Estimation Process in the Design of Rural Electrification Systems,” Energies, vol. 14, no. 5505, 2021.

2. M. Kisuule, I. Hernando-Gil, J. Serugunda, J. Namaganda-Kiyimba, and M. B. Ndawula, “Stochastic planning and operational constraint assessment of system-customer power supply risks in electricity distribution networks,” Sustain., vol. 13, no. 17, 2021.

3. J. Namaganda-Kiyimba and J. Mutale, “An Optimal Rural Community PV Microgrid Design Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming and DBSCAN Approach,” Published in the September 2020 Issue of the SAIEE Africa Research Journal.

Links to Social Media (e.g.  LinkedIn) and Scholarly Collaboration Network (e.g. Scholar, ResearchGate etc.)



Jane Namaganda-Kiyimba – Google Scholar

