
Course Description: Design concepts, techniques and methods ceramics related to industrial production investigation into the past and present trends, processes, and materials. Emphasis on earthenware bodies and decoration techniques. Explore bodies like stoneware porcelain and decorative techniques stressing individual expression in ceramic media, casting, throwing, pressing for mass production in studio and industrial settings. Objectives...
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Course Description Studies in structural drawing that emphasize the Building of 2D and 3D mass and structures using mechanical instruments and measurements to establish dimensions physical aspects and architectural settings construction drawing, using materials and tools with application of drafting principles. This course is divided into the following general categories: Objectives The identification through research...
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Course Description Study the function of Drawing in Art and Design concept motivated by the study of various subject matter using various media through student general projects. Prerequisite: IFA 1112 Course Objectives To build the students’ confidence and independence in terms of planning, ideas and self motivation. To expose students to a variety of inspirational...
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Course Description A study of the history, principles and practices of cultural and world ceramics as an art/crafts. Introduction to materials, techniques, methods and principles of hand building techniques and methods in ceramics as related to basic design in 2D or 3D drawing. Experiences in processes of forming decorating, glazing and firing pottery. Course Objectives...
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