Metadata Catalogue Coming soon!

Fundamental Datasets at the Centre

  1. Administrative boundaries (Districts, Parishes, Sub counties, Sub-regions  and villages
  2. UNRA and National Roads
  3. Digital elevation Model (DEM)
  4. Control points/survey Benchmarks

Thematic Datasets at the Centre.

  1. Uganda Cultural Heritage Sites 2024
  2. Uganda Health Facilities 2023 (RRH, GRH, HC, Blood banks, clinics and pharmacies) and 2011
  3. Education facilities in the country as of 2011
  4. Biodiversity 2023
  5. Protected areas
  6. Rivers
  7. Lakes
  8. Wetlands 1994 and 2008
  9. Water basins of Uganda
  10. Agroecological Zones of Uganda
  11. Irrigation schemes in Uganda
  12. Geomorphology
  13. Soils dataset
  14. Electricity distribution assets (lines, substations, transformers)
  15. Electricity Generation sites
  16. Electricity Transmission lines
  17. Bathymetry
  18. Uganda Airfields

Third-party Datasets

  1. Soil data