Capacity building

The capacity-building support delivered by the Centre will be pegged at the following intervention levels:

  1. Building Capacity of Individual Participants: the Centre will continue to offer training
    in both functional skills to interested individuals such as students, employees, business community, etc to strengthen their capacity and standard to create more and better jobs; provide aaccess to new information; and promote social dialogue.
  2. Building Capacity of Organizations: The centre will expand its training and research products to strengthen the capacity of employer and workers’ organizations to foster organizational strategy development. It can also involve conducting group-based face-to-face training delivered on and off campus to organizational staff. The Centre will continuously refne the service formula underpinning face-to-face training based on customized needs of organizations. The impact of creating new cities is opening up a new market for capacity-development targeted at new city managers and leadership which is driving demand for life-long learning and re-training. The MURCURGI being the training arm is strategically positioned to respond with on-line capacity-building support services.
  3. Technical Advisory services: The Centre will also continue to expand its portfolio of strategy advisory services for local governments, cities, ministries and institutions, on urbanisation and sustainable development relating to strategies, plans, rules and regulations, partnerships, leadership, organizational politics and power structures.
  4. Facilitate an enabling policy environment, The Centre will roll out new research and training products on policies to address economic, political, environmental and social factors, including cultural aspects and value systems.
  5. Self -guided distance learning courses: These core services will be supplemented by a range of distance-learning offerings that take advantage of scalability and lower per-capita costs, such as mass open online courses and self-guided distance-learning courses conducted on the enhanced training technology.
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