Research Networks

Partnership and Collaboration – MURCURGI will continue to  have mutual engagement, sustainable partnership and collaboration  with both internal and external  partners for both resource mobilization and applied research program delivery  with the urban communities, local government, and other civil society based groups.

Stepping up partnership and affiliation drive of the centre  is important to attract more stakeholders to join in sharing information, exchange academic programmes, publicity, international seminars, international accreditation, and capacity building among others. A database of affiliated institutions will be created and posted to the website.

The centre will establish local and international research partners and networks which include the following:

Multi-Lateral organizations: The Centre will create partnerships with other multi-bilateral organizations providing research and capacity-building support services, such as the European Training Foundation and the United Nations System Staff College.

Research and training institutions: The Centre will place stronger emphasis on partnerships with research and training institutions including universities, local academies and profit service providers. These partnerships will be based on the principle of mutual beneft and complementarity of competencies, while always safeguarding the Centre’s mandate. Clear attention will be paid to the facilitation of partnerships with organizations recognized as quality assurance bodies.

City Authorities: The Centre will place stronger emphasis on partnerships with the established secondary and intermediate cities in Uganda both in research and capacity building.  MOUs will be signed with various cities.

Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development (MoLHUD):

There will be direct established link between the centre and the Ministry  of Lands Housing and Urban Development in research and capacity building. The MoLHUD has no research unit and will therefore benefit directly through active participation in the MURCURGI activities.

Ministry of Local Government (MoLG):

 There will be direct established link between the centre and the Ministry of Local Government (MoLG) in research and capacity building. The MoLG has no research unit and will therefore benefit directly through active participation in the MURCURGI activities.

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