Strategic Plan

STRATEGIC PLAN (2023-2027)

This strategic plan has been developed by Makerere University Regional Centre for Urban Research, Governance and Innovation (MURCURGI) in collaboration with the department of architecture and physical planning to provide a road map for implementing and delivering its mandate and functions over the next 5 years (2023-2027).

This strategic plan aims  to provide a development framework  for MURCURGI and its Advisory board and management to address the urban research, governance issues and training capacity and service delivery challenges for improving the quality of life of urban citizens in Uganda, through innovative urban policy research, urban governance and capacity building as well as organizational development by 2028 as laid in line with the Uganda Vision 2040, SDG Agenda 2030 and the National Development Plan (III) of 2020-2026.

The plan outlines the strategies and a road map for the establishment of MURCURGI emphasizing its organizational efficiency to champion urban policy research, urban governance and innovation in Uganda and beyond. It also recognizes the need to address and strengthen the human and financial resource capacities of MURCURGI.

Click here to access the full strategic plan

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