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itle:Socio-Institutional Drivers of Groundwater Contamination Hazards: The Case of On-Site Sanitation in the Bwaise Informal Settlement, Kampala, Uganda Publication TypeJournal ArticleYear of Publication2021Authors:Felix R. B. Twinomucunguzi, Giorgia Silvestri , Joel Kinobe, Allan Mugabi, Jenifer Isoke, Philip M. Nyenje, Jan Willem Foppen, Robinah N. Kulabako, Frank KansiimeKeywords:contamination; groundwater; informal settlements; on-site sanitation; socio-hydrogeological systemsJournalAbstract:Socio-institutional factors are poorly addressed in the risk assessment of groundwater contamination. This paper contributes to the development of a socio-institutional assessment framework based on...
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itle:Double-Stranded DNA Virus Assemblages in Groundwater in Three Informal Urban Settlements in Sub-Saharan Africa Differ from Each Other Publication TypeJournal ArticleYear of Publication2021Authors:Jack van de Vossenberg, Yvonne Hoitin, Alimamy Kolipha Kamara, Manuel Kofi Tetteh, John P. Simaika, George Lutterod, Hans Komakech, Robinah Kulabako, Philip M. Nyenje, Jan Willem FoppenKeywords:JournalAbstract:We mapped the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) virus assemblage in groundwater below sub-Saharan urban poor settlements in Arusha (Tanzania), Dodowa (Ghana), and Kampala (Uganda). Our...
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itle:Faecal contamination pathways of shallow groundwater in low-income urban areas: implications for water resource planning and management Publication TypeJournal ArticleYear of Publication2021Authors:Jacintha Gumoteyo Nayebare; Michael M. Owor; Robinah Kulabako; Richard Graham TaylorKeywords:contamination, faecal, nitrate, pathways, shallow groundwaterJournalWater Practice & TechnologyAbstract:Shallow groundwater is vulnerable to faecal contamination, especially in low-income urban areas where use of on-site sanitation facilities is high. This paper explores statistical relationships between potential factors influencing contaminant pathways (i.e., variables) and observed faecal contamination...
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Title:The potential for atmospheric water harvesting to accelerate household access to safe waterPublication TypeJournal ArticleYear of Publication2020Authors:Jean H Humphrey, Joseph Brown, Oliver Cumming, Barbara Evans, Guy Howard, Robinah N Kulabako, Jonathan Lamontagne, Amy J Pickering, Evelyn N WangKeywords:JournalSustainabilityAbstract:With Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG-6), member states of the UN declared their ambition for universal access to safely managed water, recognising this as fundamental to human health, wellbeing, socioeconomic development, and gender equity.1 Through...
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Title:Reducing Groundwater Contamination from On-Site Sanitation in Peri-Urban Sub-Saharan Africa: Reviewing Transition Management Attributes towards Implementation of Water Safety PlansPublication TypeJournal ArticleYear of Publication2020Authors:JFelix R. B. Twinomucunguzi, Philip M. Nyenje, Robinah N. Kulabako, Swaib Semiyaga, Jan Willem Foppen, Frank KansiimeKeywords:contamination; integrated water resources management; groundwater; pollution; Sub-Saharan Africa; transition management; water safety planJournalSustainabilityAbstract:High urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has resulted in increased peri-urban groundwater contamination by on-site sanitation. The World Health Organization introduced Water Safety Plans (WSP)...
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