CEDAT Mandate & Mission

CEDAT Mandate

The mandate of CEDAT falls within the overall mandate of Makerere University, i.e.

  1. the provision of higher education , promotion of research and advancement of learning in Engineering, Design, Art and Technology; and
  2. dissemination of knowledge and giving opportunity of acquiring higher education to all persons including persons with disabilities wishing to do so regardless of race, political opinion, colour, creed, or sex;
  3. the provision of accessible physical facilities to the users of the Public University
CEDAT Mission

 To provide transformative innovative teaching, learning, research and services responsive to dynamic national, regional and global needs in Engineering, Design, Art and Technology.

CEDAT Core Values

The core values in line with the University values are: 

  1. Accountability
  2. Professionalism
  3. Respect
  4. Integrity
  5. Inclusivity

The additional ones identified at the college level are Excellence, Innovativeness, and Sustainability

CEDAT shares the same goals as the University and they are listed here.

  1. Graduates with skills, competencies and attitudes that meet the current and emerging needs for society development.
  2. Research and innovations that generate tested contextual ideas and sustainable solutions for contemporary, emerging strategic societal needs.
  3. Talent effectively recruited, nurtured and deployed for efficient delivery of University Mission.
  4. An enabling environment for University operations underpinning optimal utilization of resources created and sustained.