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The College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) held the 2024 Open Day drawing the participation of the students, the academia, and the Industry. The three-day event ran from 28th February to March 1st, 2024 at the college under the Theme; Green Horizons: Cultivating Sustainable Futures through Green Skills for Green Jobs,” Showcasing projects focused on renewable energy production, energy efficiency, and sustainable transportation. The event characterized by panel...
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The TUM SEED Center for Sustainable Energies, Entrepreneurship, and Development at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is part of the long-term DAAD program “Exceed – Excellence Centers for Exchange and Development”, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 2020-2024. The TUM SEED Center aims to contribute to sustainable development by offering higher education and conducting research at the intersection of sustainable energies and entrepreneurship in the...
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Her Royal Highness, Nnalinnya Agnes Nabaloga unveils Sir Edward Muteesa II Museum at Makerere University Sir Edward Muteesa II Museum was officially opened, Wednesday 21st February 2024 at a ceremony presided over by Her Royal Highness, Nnalinnya Agnes Nabaloga on behalf of the Kabaka of Buganda, His Royal Highness Ronald Muwenda Mutebi II. The Museum located at plot 95, quarry road Makerere University is housed in the premises of what...
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The College of Engineering, Design, Art, and Technology, (CEDAT) hosted Christian P. Schneider, a PhD researcher and Focal Point for African partnerships from UN-FLORES.  During a meeting held in the College Boardroom on Monday 12th February 2024 involving members of staff, the discussions focused on finding areas of collaboration between the college and UN-FLORES, which is the academic arm of the UN. Christian P. Schneider said UNU-FLORES which is United...
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Dr. Ronald Kizito, the Principal Investigator presents a brief about the project Researchers at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) using Artificial Intelligence have come up with an innovation to aid translation of Luganda language written text into speech. A team of researchers led by the Principal Investigator Dr. Ronald Kizito from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department undertook a study they called, ‘A Luganda Neural Text-To-Speech...
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