The Engineering Registration Board has rallied Engineering students to register with the organization during the student outreach held at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology Friday 11th March 2022.

The event that took place in the CEDAT conference Hall attracted a number of students who were urged to focus on ethics as they prepared to join the professional world, ‘Ethics is very important and should guide our activities in professional practice’ noted Eng. Geoffrey Ogwang, the Vice President of Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE)

Eng. Geoffrey Ogwang , VP UIPE (R) flanked by MES President Noah

“As you enter the professional world, it is important to focus on ethical work. Ethics are very important and they should guide our activities in professional practice.” He said adding that for one to practice professionally and legally as an Engineer, there was need to register with UIPEUganda and ERBUganda.

Engineering practice is when one is able to convert the knowledge gained in engineering school and the mentorship to solve problems in society he emphasized. It is essential for engineering students to register with the agencies and that this would allow them to take part in the activities arranged like seminars and trainings as a started their journey to prepare to start practicing engineering.

The Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIEP) has a mandate of promoting general advancement of the science and practice of engineering and its applications, and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas on those subjects amongst the members of the Institution

Registration of Engineers is a legal requirement for one to practice Engineering in Uganda, among other benefits is a sense of belonging to the Engineers’ “Club”.  Which serv to protect the interest of members as well as promoting professionalism and competitiveness.