February 22, 2012


Course Description This course enables the student a to experience further a range of practical and theoretical knowledge and extend the possibilities of the discipline. The course allows for planning a sculpture from a mental picture, through a drawing, marquette and to the final product. It also permits exploration of a variety of sculpture production...
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Course Descriptions Field research methodology for sculpture design and fabrication Further exploration of materials and techniques in relation to content and function. Execution of artworks suitable for exterior and interior purposes. Course Objective To develop participants’ creativity in the exploration of artistic qualities based on glass mosaics metal and wood oriented designs. Attachment Name Attachment...
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Course Description The course furthers knowledge and skills in hand weaving, understanding mechanisms of hand operated looms and different spinning wheels. Production of hand woven fabrics for artistic presentation and industrial purposes. Course Objectives By the end of the course, students should be able to: demonstrate knowledge and skills in hand weaving, Identify mechanisms of...
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Course Description A theme course considering the natural environment, man made environments, or both. work may include 35 mm slides, black and white prints, or color prints, using various format size of film and cameras. Several or more required field trips plus additional field work lab.fee required. Course Objectives/Aims This course is intended to introduce...
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Course Description Design stressing the interrelation between concept development, design materials tools, equipment, techniques and methods of ceramic production for artists and industrial. Firing and glazing methods and techniques, practical projects based on design concepts for utilitarian and decorative ceramics. Attachment Name Attachment Type Ceramics II IFA 2115 DOC PDF PS
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