February 24, 2012


Rationale/Course Description   The course equips the student with proficiency in reading, and ability to communicate both orally and in writing. Objectives/Aims To provide the student with reading, listening, speaking and interaction skills. To help the student develop interpersonal skills, conduct and interaction in a work place To equip students with report writing and presentation...
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Rationale/Course Description   This course trains students need to translate opportunities into investment ventures. This adds great value to their academic training as they are able to have a wider outlook that can enable them transform the acquired knowledge and skills into profitable ventures and creation of employment. Objectives/Aims To introduce students to entrepreneurial skills...
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Rationale/Course Description   This course provides a basic understanding of the key financial statements and how transactions affect those financial statements, the internal controls and why they exist in organizations, and analysis of financial statements and make decisions using those statements. It also covers an introduction to elements of financial and management accounting and the...
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Rationale/Course Description   Maintenance of building structures is important to keep them in proper functional state. The course covers planning and management of maintenance works which is important if maintenance services are to be effective and less costly. Objectives/Aims To introduce the student to the theory of maintenance management To provide maintenance planning skills in...
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Rationale/Course Description   There are different materials used in construction. These materials have different properties that influence their application. The materials also respond differently when subjected to different conditions. The course provides knowledge of all these aspects which is important for all construction professionals. Objectives/Aims To introduce the student to the basic properties of construction...
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