February 24, 2012


Course description   This course provides students with the opportunity to practically measure real life buildings and reproduce the same. Objective(s) To enable students use their skills attained in drawing to reproduce existing buildings’ drawings. Course contents Practical measurement of real life buildings and reproduce the same (Drawings, etc.). The lecturer will decide on the...
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Rationale/Course Description   This course introduces the student to the property market, the methods and techniques used in assessing real property, and the pertaining legal issues. Objectives/Aims To enlighten the student on the local property market To equip the student with property valuation techniques Attachment Name Attachment Type LEC 1207 Real Estate Valuation I DOC...
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Rationale/Course Description   This course considers the general introduction to land economics; the nature of property rights; land as a factor of production; the nature of economic rent and theories of Von Thunnen, David Ricardo etc.; development of the theories of land uses and land values; patterns of land uses; urban structure and its theories;...
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Rationale/Course Description   The course gives an introduction to the idea of property in land, property rights, licenses and mortgages, proprietary controls, ownership and perpetuities.   Objectives/Aims To introduce the student to legal rights in real estate To equip the student with knowledge of ownership rights To provide information on property control mechanisms Attachment Name...
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Rationale/Course Description   The course covers historical context of land law and the social structures in Uganda. Objectives/Aims To enable the student understand the evolution of land laws in Uganda Attachment Name Attachment Type LAW 3109 Real Property Law I DOC PDF PS
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