February 24, 2012


Rationale/Course Description The course provides the foundation for useful solutions to mathematical models relevant to the construction environment. Objectives/Aims To provide an introductory treatment of mathematical concepts and techniques To introduce the student to the basic numerical processes to obtain approximate but useful solutions to mathematical models Attachment Name Attachment Type EMT 1105 Engineering Mathematics...
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Rationale/Course Description   This course demonstrates the practical use of econometric methods with reference to specific issues of applied economic interest to real estate issues. Objectives/Aims To introduce elements of economics in real estate To present real estate illustrations for sound economic decisions Attachment Name Attachment Type ECO 4207 Elements of Econometrics DOC PDF PS
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Rationale/Course Description   Macroeconomics is the part of economic theory that deals with the great aggregates and averages of the system rather than the items in it. These aggregates are defined in a useful manner in order to examine how they are related and determined. Macroeconomics provide a sound theoretical framework for investigating the causes...
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Rationale/Course Description   The course introduces the student to basic concepts and principles of microeconomics, market dynamics, and national economies. Objectives/Aims To equip students with the basic understanding of micro-economics To facilitate the making of sound economic decisions in the built environment To provide a clear understanding of economic dynamics Attachment Name Attachment Type ECO...
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Rationale/Course Description   This course provides an introduction to development economics as applied to construction and real estate developments Objectives/Aims • To equip the student with the basic concepts of development economics relevant to construction and real estate Attachment Name Attachment Type DEC 3202 Development Economics for Construction DOC PDF PS
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