February 2012


Rationale Being a profession that commands a certain way of life, engineering subscribes to fundamental rules that the engineer must adhere to in practice. This course introduces the student to the practical imperatives of the engineering profession. With the ever increasing cases of computer crimes, it is important to expose the student with the implications...
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Rationale Electronics  is  foundational  material  for  computer  engineering.  The  computer  is an electronic   device   whose   development   is  highly  dependent   on  advances   in  the electronics  industry.  For  this  reason,  it  is  mandatory  for  a  student  to  have  basic knowledge of the design of the electronic circuits used to implement computer Objectives The course aims to provide...
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Rationale Entrepreneurship  is a  specialized  business  course  designed  to  provide  students  the skills needed to effectively organize, develop, create, and manage their own business. This  course  is  based  upon  the  Marketing  Education  Framework  which  includes business, management, and entrepreneurship; communication and interpersonal skills; economics; and professional development foundations. Emphasis is placed on the functions of...
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Rationale This course will enable students to develop short and long-range plans to effectively accomplish organizational goals. Through the use of terminology, exercises and case studies, students will be able to give a critical appraisal of real life situations involving organizing, staffing and motivating others. The student will also learn tools to aid in problem...
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Rationale Research methodology is the study of how to perform scientific research. This course looks at strategies  for performing  research in Computer  Engineering,  from problem formulation  to  validation  of a proposed  solution.  The  course  discusses  some  basic questions  about  the  nature  of science  and  of computer  engineering,  and gives the student experience with forming a...
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