February 2012


Rationale/Course Description Maintenance of building structures is important to keep them in proper functional state. The course covers planning and management of maintenance works which is important if maintenance services are to be effective and less costly. Objectives/Aims To introduce the student to the theory of maintenance management To provide maintenance planning skills in the...
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Rationale/Course Description There are different materials used in construction. These materials have different properties that influence their application. The materials also respond differently when subjected to different conditions. The course provides knowledge of all these aspects which is important for all construction professionals. Objectives/Aims To introduce the student to the basic properties of construction materials...
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Rationale/Course Description The course presents the elements of the physical environment which is modified by the construction processes. The key elements considered include geology, ecology and climatology. Objectives/Aims To enable the student understand the influence of physical environment in construction To provide knowledge of the development and formation of different elements in the physical environment...
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Rationale/Course Description The course gives an introduction to structural analysis and design in buildings. It is used to understand the concepts of statics, stress – strain relations in different structural elements and determination of shear force and bending moment diagrams. Objectives/Aims To introduce students to the analysis of simple structural elements To introduce the students...
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Brief Description of Course: The applications of engineering occur in society, as thus effective communication to varied audiences and clientele is a key virtue a civil engineer must possess. Communication is a tool through which work gets done, ideas get sold and defended. This course introduces to the students to principles of organization, development, and...
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