March 2, 2012


Course Description This course deals the fundamental method of Finite Element as a numerical technique of solving partial differential equations, extended to applications in material and analysis of structural systems. Objectives To enable the student use the finite element technique to solve problems of material and and analysis of structural systems and components. Attachment Name...
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Course Description This course deals with the analysis of situations and problems requiring management decisions, planning and controlling construction projects as well as inspection and appraisal techniques. Also discussed are causes of deterioration and remedial measures. Objectives To enable the student make informed decisions regarding planning, controlling construction projects, inspection and appraisal techniques, as well...
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Course Description This course deals with stability problems in structural forms and systems.  Special consideration for stability during design of structural elements are highlighted. The course also covers the use of computer applications in the determination of the capacity and response of structures considering their structural stability. Objectives solve structural systems considering effects of their...
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Course Description This course introduces free and forced vibrations of structural forms, with introduction to earthquake engineering.  The course also covers analysis and design of structures subjected to dynamic loads by analytic numerical methods as well as use of computer programs in their solution. Objectives To enable the student solve structural systems subjected to dynamic...
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Course Description The course provides fundamental knowledge and practical understanding for the common statistical techniques of data processing in hydrology and water engineering.  This knowledge and understanding must allow the students to select and apply most appropriate techniques to summarize and organize data. It also allows them to have an insight in the limitations of...
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