Undergraduate Programmes


Rationale The applications of engineering occur in society, as thus effective communication to varied audiences and clientele is a key virtue a computer engineer must possess. Communication is a tool through which work gets done, ideas get sold and defended. This course introduces to the students principles of organization, development, and writing of technical documents;...
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Rationale EMT1201 Engineering Mathematics II introduced Differential Equation and Solution Techniques   for  ODEs  with  Exact  Solutions  in  terms  of  Elementary  Functions (Algebraic, Trigonometric, Exponential, Logarithmic and Hyperbolic Functions) and EMT2101  Engineering  Mathematics  III  Introduced  the  Power  Series  Solutions  to ODEs, it was appreciated that the analysis of Engineering Systems containing lumped parameters  often  leads  to...
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Rationale Drawing from the concepts covered in Engineering Mathematics I and II, this course is designed  to  consolidate  and  advance  analytical  techniques  for  solution  of ordinary differential  equations;  and  introduces  concepts  fundamental  to  the  study  of  other courses   in  Computer   Engineering.   The  major   themes   covered   include   integral transforms, series solutions to ordinary differential equations and...
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Rationale This course draws upon evolution of Information Communication Technologies as a precursor  to  applications  of  computers  in  day-to-day  life.  This  is  critical  for  any student going into the field of computer engineering. Objectives To provide an overview of the evolution of the computer To appreciate the societal importance and the trend towards the convergence...
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Rationale Engineering Mathematics is fundamental to the study of Computer Engineering. It provides the necessary analytical skills for the study of more advanced subjects such as Electronics, Discrete Mathematics and for the design of Algorithms among others. Applied Mathematics is an edifice of computing and is as such crucial for Computer Engineering. Objectives The   purpose ...
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