Undergraduate Programmes


Course description The influences of a Civil Engineering project on another Civil Engineering project is the basis of research work in this field, as well as core to the design and maintenance of Civil Engineering projects. Projects should enhance, not interfere with other projects, the environment, or social life. This course discusses this in depth....
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Course description During the design stages of a project, the Surveyor works directly for the Design Engineer, and indirectly with the Resident Engineer and the Contractor. During construction he/she works directly with the latter two. He/she has to be able to liaise with them, not only by word of mouth, but also in data form....
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Course description Insurance companies, as well as financiers, are beneficiaries of this programme, for if projects are based upon the correct data, then there will be less failures and less claims. The Surveyor, though, runs risks, particularly to staff, vehicles, cash on the job, fire from stored fuels, equipment and labour. This course provides the...
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Course description The Survey Assistant should be familiar, in practice, with all instruments and methods of measurement. This practical course gives the opportunity for students to practice with most types of equipment in all the common methods of measurement, both in trying out what was learned in the course on data collection and in preparing...
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Course description This course moves on to the study of survey equipment, including instruments, particularly of the theodolite type, such as the tacheometer and total station, and methods of measurement concerned with coordinated positions and how to plot them to scale on a grid. It has a decided bias towards bearing and distances measurements and...
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