Undergraduate Programmes


Brief Course Description This is an introductory course giving students the required basic mathematical background and sets foundation for other Engineering courses. It provides an introductory treatment of some mathematical concepts and techniques. Course Objectives By the end of this course the students should be able to: Have a good understanding of the basic concepts...
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Course Description This course introduces engineering students to the analysis of basic static and dynamic objects and systems encountered in engineering practice. It introduces force systems, simple structural elements and principles of work and energy. Objectives Develop a clear understanding of the basic principles that govern the statics and dynamics of particles and rigid bodies...
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Course Description This course intends to orient students towards university engineering studies; give them an understanding of science, engineering technology, innovation, the different engineering disciplines, as well as analytical methods. It is intended to make students appreciate the growth of science and technology over the centuries and more recent times. The growth of a professional...
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Course Description This course introduces students to drawing a means of professional engineering communication. It covers sketching, line drawing, shape description, projections, drawing standards and dimensioning. Objectives • To inculcate in students the ability to produce, read and comprehend engineering drawings, so that they are able to convey their creative ideas effectively. To expose students...
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