August 10, 2011


Abstract Industrialisation is seen as one of the philosophies that can be employed to be able to increase on productivity of the construction industry. There are many forms and classifications of industrialisation and these have to be put in context while seeking improvement of productivity by industrialisation. A systems approach is used to analyse the...
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Abstract Efforts to promote innovation are at the heart of current research in building in an endeavour to make it more productive and competitive. At the same time, there is lack of statistical data on innovation. A review of the major barriers and enablers to innovation at business level has been carried out which made...
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Abstract Many researchers have of recent been concerned about low and in some cases declining labour productivity in the construction industry. Some have gone to question whether labour is efficiently utilized. This paper reports on a survey carried out on building craftsmen to find out how efficiently they utilize the time available to them for...
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Title: Contractors’ Perspective on Critical Factors for Successful Implementation of Private Public Partnerships in Construction Projects in Uganda  Authors: Henry Alinaitwe, Jackson A. Mwakali , Bengt Hansson Keywords: labour, productivity, factors, developing countries, building sector, craftsmen Issue Date: 2007 Abstract: Poor productivity of construction workers is one of the causes of cost and time overruns on construction...
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Abstract Productivity of labour is particularly important especially in developing countries where most of the building work is still carried out on manual basis. Previous research has pointed out that productivity in the building industry is low and in some cases declining. Poor productivity of craftsmen is one of the causes of cost and time...
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