March 2, 2012


Course Description Discussion of Sculpture as language that has resulted from man’s engagement with his environment since time immemorial. The course will also establish and argue that local traditions and those elsewhere are diverse; the experiences of colonial and post-colonial Africa and East Africa in particular; the development of new traditions of visual practice while...
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Course Description In this course the candidate analyses the final data collected from the field. The data processing which involves editing and coding is carried out to allow easy analysis of the data. After Data analysis, the candidate writes the thesis for submission to the graduate school through the supervisors. The thesis will be not...
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Course Description This course is designed to provide an introduction to the philosophy and application of preventive conservation through a combination of theory and practice. The material covered will give a working knowledge of preventive conservation appropriate for all museum personnel, which will facilitate an enlightened and holistic approach to the prevention of degradation of...
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Course Description In this course, the candidate finalizes the writing of the dissertation and submits the completed dissertation for making. T he dissertation presented must demonstrate the candidate’s intellectual growth and maturity as well as an in-depth understanding of the problem under investigation. The dissertation must also demonstrate the candidate’s ability to raise coherent and...
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Course Description The course enables student to acquire a high level of the practical skills within the context of the investigative research. It enables further development of a personal illustration style through encouraging experimentation and exploration of innovation within image-making and visual thinking; core skills developed: research methodologies; contextualization of the student’s work both professionally...
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