April 2012


Title: Potentials of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Sustainable Medium of Urban Areas and Communities Centre Authors: H. Sengendo Keywords: Information communication technology, urban areas and urban communities sustainability, accessibility cyber mobility, new living modernity Issue Date: August 2011 Abstract: Development of information accessibility tele-communicability and virtual commutability and their impact on urban areas...
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Title: Monitoring the Surface Temperature of Lake Victoria Using Modis Imagery Authors: M.W. Muhindo, A. Gidudu Keywords: MODIS, Remote Sensing, Lake Surface Temperature, Bio-Optical Algorithms. Issue Date: August 2011 Abstract: The temperature cycle of Lake Victoria is not well documented as only a limited number of in-situ measurements are available. Hence they cannot account for the...
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Title: Modeling Topographic Effects in Satellite Imagery Authors: A. Mazimwe, A. Gidudu Keywords: Azimuth Angle, Zenith Angle, Slope, Aspect, Insolation Intensity, Classification Accuracy Issue Date: August 2011 Abstract: The ability to extract accurate land cover information from satellite imagery depends on the quality of satellite data. Thus a study was made to assess the impact...
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Title: Low Cost Methodology for Preliminary Road Maintenance Decision Support Authors: M.L. Kayondo, G. Bax, S.S. T-Togboa Keywords: Geographical Information Technologies (GIT), Low Cost, Road maintenance, Video-log, ROMDAS Issue Date: August 2011 Abstract: This paper presents a low cost GIT based data collection technology that is similar and an input to the ROad Maintenance Data...
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Title: Landscape Composition and Structure of River Sio Catcment Authors: Barasa B., Majaliwa J.G.M., Lwasa S., Bamutaze Y.,  Okumu, D. Keywords: landscape level, class level, patches Issue Date: August 2011 Abstract: Uganda’s landscape is still under enormous threats from mainly anthropogenic activities. Therefore, the objective of this study was to assess the landscape composition and...
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