

The outgoing College Guild Council at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology handed over the instruments of power to the incoming team at a ceremony witnesses by the college leadership, Friday 26th April, 2024. The incoming leadership is expected to run the office for nine months. Mr. Abdurrahman Kabugo In his hand over...
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Makerere University, together with the Ministry of Lands, Housing, and Urban Development and the Urban Authorities Association of Uganda (UAAU) are set to undertake an urban expansion planning drive that will result in better-planned cities and urban areas in Uganda. A national workshop on Urban Extension Planning in Uganda financed by Cities Alliance was held...
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Makerere University Engineering staff who are not Registered Engineers have been urged to utilize the existing opportunity availed through a window specially created by the Engineering Registration Board (ERB) for  Engineers in the Academia. A team from the Engineering Registration Board The Engineering Registration Board has come out to enlist the registration of Engineers in...
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The 2024 Poster Presentations by the Electrical & Computer Engineering students held successfully. Students from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology (CEDAT) under the Integrated Smart Systems group presented their research work and innovation projects on Wednesday 17th April 2024 at the college, with the...
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. MAK_CEDAT witnessed a change of leadership in the Department of Industrial Art and Applied Design (DIAAD) at MTSIFA. Dr. Ronald Mpindi Kibudde handed over to Dr. Sarah Nakisanze as Ag. Head of Department. Complements to the incoming and outgoing leaders for their service.
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