Undergraduate Programmes


Rationale Theory  and  implementation  of  a  variety  of  techniques  used  to  simulate  intelligent behavior. Expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, evolutionary computation, and two-player  game-tree  search  will  be  covered  in  depth.  Knowledge  representation, pattern recognition, hybrid approaches, and handling uncertainty will also be discussed Objective By covering the course in Intelligent Systems, the student will...
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Rationale Many  computer  applications  are  confronted  with  ever  increasing  volumes  of  data which must be managed, accessed, and processed efficiently. Typical cases arise in the fields of e-Health,  banking  and insurance,  e-Science,  digital libraries,  etc. From the data  management  point  of  view,  this  has  led  to  a  radical  shift  from  centralized, monolithic   database   systems  towards ...
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Rationale This course covers both hardware and software, providing students with the skills and knowledge to build, repair and upgrade computer systems. It also provides a useful introduction to networks and network security. Objectives By covering the course in Computer Systems Maintenance, the student will be able to effective  carry out  Personal Computer     hardware  and...
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Rationale The  design  and  development  of displays,  alarms,  and  interfaces  for  small  or  large screens is an activity captured in the study of the human computer interface and in a study of human computer interaction. This discipline is increasingly software based and design needs require guidance by insights from psychology and informed by an appreciation...
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Rationale Almost  every  electronic  appliance  and  device  today  uses  embedded  systems.  Cell phones, automobiles, toasters, televisions, airplanes, medical equipment, and a host of other devices, products, and applications use embedded systems. Such systems include microcontrollers, embedded programs, and real-time operating systems. These systems require a conscious effort to produce the most reliable product possible requiring...
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